Is it possible that time-bending alien artifacts have altered history? Are we caught in a time war between hyperdimensional forces, the great struggle between darkness and light? What is our role for those with Gnosis in this grand cosmic drama? We get the answers by taking an excursion behind the veil of normative reality, from …[continue reading]
by Tyler Durden Monday, Apr 17, 2023 – 06:20 PM Authored by Egon von Greyerz via, The inevitable consequence of the current Global Debt Bubble will be the Bankruptcy of the financial system and many of its participants. The one Swiss and three US banks that just went under is just a foretaste of …[continue reading]
These are exceprts from the DVD called Traffic 1. The UK social services have made an attempt to ban this film. Why? What’s in the film that they want a ban on it? Every day children who are adoptable are removed from loving caring parents on evidence that would never stand up in a criminal …[continue reading]
Harley Schlanger returns to SGT Report to discuss world events, the demise of the dollar, WW3 and the stark differences between NWO puppet President Joe Biden and Russia’s Putin. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
“Only when we step back and interrogate the political system as a whole can we appreciate that the very existence of those seats of power from which a handful of individuals can rule over the masses is itself a construct of the pathocracy. Unless and until those seats of power are eliminated altogether, we will …[continue reading]
Bases News shout out to the global, and off world Irish, WAKE UP! News on Sarah Adams, a British Super Soldier..and girlfriend to the late Max Spiers Recommending Kim Goguen and Benjamin Fulford News on Veronica Ford Keen EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Lara Logan: Intelligence Community’s Ukraine Support Is Continued Effort from WW2 of Saving Nazis EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Lara Logan: Intelligence Community’s Ukraine Support Is Continued Effort from WW2 of Saving Nazis
Paul Craig Roberts knows government from the inside. He is a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. His experience and his studies of economics and history have made him deeply suspicious of government propaganda, and in The Empire of Lies, he shows how forces behind the scenes plot to destroy us through manipulation. In “Why …[continue reading]
I am joined returning guest, the amazing Elena Danaan, Author, Shaman, Archaeologist, and emissary for the Galactic Federation of Worlds. We discuss the recent galactic spiritual informers conference and Elena’s most recent book ‘The Seeders’. We also discuss recent updates from Elena’s channel and explore how the human collective can heal the ongoing polarizations and …[continue reading]
Dr K. Eric Drexler, Academic Visitor at the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology, gives a talk on the subject of his book Radical Abundance: How a revolution in nanotechnology will change civilization. Eric will show how rapid progress in the molecular sciences will enable the development of high-throughput atomically precise manufacturing, …[continue reading]