Today, James delivers a statement for the National Citizens Inquiry in Canada on the WHO, the global pandemic treaty, the amendments to the International Health Regulations, and the formation of the coming technocratic biosecurity control grid. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): The Global Pandemic Treaty Is a Threat to Us All
“Price Discovery” has been destroyed by computers and derivatives. No prices are real anymore! Market Manipulation is 100% running the show today and the END of MARKET Manipulation will be a very, very messy thing! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Dr. Lee Merritt joins the show to share with listeners the unknown history of the Spanish Flu and the flu in general. We discuss frequency energy and how our bodies are batteries highly effected by frequency, EMF and the suns energy. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Unknown History of Disease, the Spanish Flu and Frequency, Germ …[continue reading]
The Government may be forced to pay significant compensation to asylum seekers following a landmark court ruling after it failed to house an Afghan man seeking international protection. Integration Minister Roderic O’Gorman was ruled last week to be in breach of his obligations under European law to house people claiming international protection. In delivering his …[continue reading]
Media icon Tucker Carlson was fired from FOX this week, and it looks like we can all see what FOX has turned into. Tucker didn’t so much get fired for what he said, but for what he might say in the future. Tucker was the number one show on FOX, and he did nothing wrong …[continue reading]
Dr. Melissa McCann raised more than $110,000 to crowdfund the case, which accuses the Australian government of negligence related to the approval and monitoring of COVID-19 vaccines. by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D., The DefenderApril 27, 2023 At least 500 Australians have already joined a “landmark” COVID-19 vaccine injury class action lawsuit filed this week against the Australian government and …[continue reading]
David Friedman is an economist, political philosopher, and the author of many books including The Machinery of Freedom, wherein he lays the groundwork for a society based exclusively on voluntary transactions. In this Exploring Liberty lecture, Friedman discusses the main premises of The Machinery of Freedom and offers a few additional conclusions he has reached …[continue reading]
Filling in the gaps of Seymour Hersh’s bombshell story regarding the US-led Nordstream 2 pipeline sabotage mission. In this episode of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio which aired on April 25, 2023, Patrick talks with independent French researcher and journalist Freddie Ponton, about his latest article, Secret Team: The Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage …[continue reading]
Two cents a dozen! clif high Apr 27 Share True FED Yep, they’re failing you! Below you will find a table generated by ChatGPT. This table shows you Chat’s understanding of the management skills of the Federal Reserve Bank (note, it is not a part of the Federal government, has …[continue reading]
There have been wars and rumors of wars but Jim Willie of explains to David Nino Rodriguez why he doesn’t see the US launching into another war: “We cannot go to a wider war because we do not have superior weapons. We have a generation of military weapon procurement fraud. “The big beneficiaries are …[continue reading]