In Donald Trump’s remarks at Bedminster, NJ following his arraignment in Miami on Tuesday, he addressed the 800-pound gorilla in the room and he articulated something very important to all of us. I’ve been waiting for over 7 years for a clear statement like this from someone with influence and to get it from none …[continue reading]
What’s Covered: An introduction to the Law for Mankind from the man: Greg Paul, and the man: Jon Little Reality vs the fiction: see through the legal/public illusion once and for all and stand firmly in lawful/private reality The language of mankind – the few basic definitions you need to speak the language of reality, …[continue reading]
I TALK WITH LONG TIME RESEARCHER MARSHALL MASTERS who have written several books about the supposed incoming BROWN DWARF AND PLANETS and coming earth changes and disruption and pole shift. We also talk about covid and the demise of CNN. Marshall is a former employee of CNN back in the early days… SEE HIS ARTICLE …[continue reading]
Video by Santos Bonacci explaining how The Vatican has claimed ownership over EVERYTHING in the world, including YOU, YOUR SOUL, YOUR ESTATE, etc… The Rothschilds control the Money, but the Catholic Church still controls the world, and at this point, the Jews pretty much control the Church too… Some Papal Bulls that you should familiarize …[continue reading]
Introduction: Terrorism would be used if it was necessary to help convince Americans that the world is indeed a dangerous place … or can be if we don’t relinquish control to the proper authorities Sage Hana Jun 15 Share This is an ambitious project that will require a premise by …[continue reading]
David Nino Rodriguez interviews Benjamin Fulford, former Asia/Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine about what’s really going on behind the scenes, in the Rockefeller-controlled Biden Regime. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Nino Rodriguez Interviews Benjamin Fulford
A WELL-DOCUMENTED ACCOUNT OF GOVERNMENT/CORPORATE CRIME On June 14, 2000, the CDC and representatives of the vaccine industry met to address a joint problem. They had just discovered that they had poisoned a generation, and now they had to figure out how to cover their tracks. Whether they get away with it or not depends …[continue reading]
History-Making Event! – New Top Secret Testimony – Dr Greer will unveil the beginnings of the Intelligence Archive that is guiding the US Government in uncovering the truth about the UFO/UAP issue. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Dr Greer’s Groundbreaking National Press Club Event
This latest video by Greg Reese is absolutely hair-raising! It looks like we’re being given major disclosure about UFOs, Antarctica and exotic technology to distract us from the revelations about the Biden Crime Family and the Deep State’s pathetic efforts to stop Trump. *** TRANSCRIPT During World War II, the Nazis’ most classified project …[continue reading]
Innovation fading away Shadow controllers… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):