Hungary’s Viktor Orbán has long been an opponent of the mainstay of EU policy on Ukraine, having also persistently criticized Kiev for discrimination against Hungarian minorities, and demanding that a 2017 law restricting the use of minority languages be changed. He’s also refused to ratify Sweden’s entry into NATO. Orbán has further throughout the conflict stood …[continue reading]
I thought it time to share some of my current thinking as to solutions in a world that wants us gone or in perpetual debt. This is a more detailed follow-up on my previous eBook “The Lien Machine” With a deeper look at the law, the remedies, and how we can weaponize the law to …[continue reading]
14,563,913 views 21 Apr 2020 Michael Moore presents a film by Jeff Gibbs, Planet of the Humans, a documentary that dares to say what no one else will — that we are losing the battle to stop climate change on planet earth because we are following leaders who have taken us down the wrong road …[continue reading]
09/30/2023Jonathan Newman When Silicon Valley Bank and other banks failed earlier this year, the debate over the sustainability of fractional reserve banking resurfaced. Under fractional reserve banking, banks keep only a fraction of customers’ deposits in reserve. The difference is bank credit, such as government debt, mortgages, business loans, and many other kinds of loans. This practice …[continue reading]
In this video… Meet Paul Yates, author of the book, “The Title is Unimportant”. The book, and today’s conversation will take you down a path to an understanding of banking law that, until now, only the elite have been privy to. His book is based upon his own experiences of tried and true highly effective …[continue reading]
Uncertainty…. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: Below you will find Reiner Fuellmich’s recent interview with David Icke. Some excerpts are provided to give you a sense of the overall tone. This conversation covers a wide number of topics related to our multi-dimensional, multi-frequency reality. Along with a discussion of the ways humanity has been controlled …[continue reading]
Transcript: The following 10 insights will summarize your life. I will speak slowly so your mind and your soul will understand. Number 1. You were born in a cold prison. It is your country, your state. Number 2. You have to pay for the prison stay. They call the prison fee taxes. Number 3. You have …[continue reading]
Gary Waterman, former police officer & acting sergeant, exposes how the police, UK goverenment officials & the UK banks are conspiring against the public to commit fraud. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The tree of life machine – sound and frequency Michael Tellinger / @michaeltellinger EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):