Self-assembling amyloid-like nanostructures from SARS-CoV-2 S1, S2, RBD and N recombinant proteins

Olga V. Morozova a b c d, Valentin A. Manuvera a c, Nikolay A. Barinov a c d, Elena N. Subcheva d, Victor S. Laktyushkin d, Dimitri A. Ivanov d e f, Vassili N. Lazarev a c, Dmitry V. Klinov a c d Show more Add to Mendeley Share Cite rights and content   Abstract Self-assembling nanoparticles (saNP) and nanofibers were found in the recombinant coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 S1, S2, RBD and N proteins purified by affinity chromatography using Ni Sepharose. Scanning electron (SEM), atomic force (AFM) microscopy on …[continue reading]

Whitney Webb: “They’ve Been Planning This Cyber Attack for Years”

Clayton Morris of Redacted interviews investigative journalist Whitney Webb  Transcript of video introduction by Clayton Morris: “Is the deep state mafia setting up a massive cyber attack false flag on the American people that will disrupt the 2024 election? Well, it turns out that the United States intel agencies have been running tabletop exercises on …[continue reading]

ALERT: Who’s Really Behind The California-Nevada High-Speed Rail

Adecades-long high-speed rail project is slated to launch running between California and Las Vegas, Nevada. Many have said they’ve heard this song before and it will never happen, that it’s just a slush fund, but the documents say otherwise and the motives are questionable. The Biden regime, States, and investors want to see this project …[continue reading]

Memorandum from Carmel Butler

CONSUMER AND TAX PAYER   “|Let us be clear that the reason for today’s injection is the lack of openness and honesty by the banks on the amount of bad debts that they have on their books|” JOHN McFALL MP[105]   1.  The banks have stated their case. They say: the banking crisis ensued from bad borrowers …[continue reading]

Vatican Translator: Alien God Genetically Cloned Humans, Mauro Biglino (1of2)

This is my original mind blowing interview with Vatican translator Mauro Biglino. I have done two interviews since this original one, but both of those build from this. This interview was originally done in 2018, but it is timeless. Here is the original description: Vatican Translator and Italian scholar of religious studies, Mauro Biglino, joins …[continue reading]