In “Fluoride on Trial: The Censored Science on Fluoride and Your Health,” a new documentary airing on CHD.TV Saturday, Jan. 13, attorney Michael Connett and Children’s Health Defense’s Mary Holland expose the long history of government and industry suppression of scientific research revealing the toxic effects of fluoride, particularly on children. A new documentary airing …[continue reading]
Investigative journalist, Alexandra Bruce, rejoins the program to discuss the strange frequencies infused into the latest Netflix movie produced by the Obamas. We also discuss the Trilateral Commission’s declaration that the first year of the New World Order was 2023. What does that mean? Plus we discuss Bruce’s top news items. You can follow Alexandra …[continue reading]
Do You Need To Detox From Heavy Metals ? EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): DO YOUN E E DTO D E T O XFROMHEAVY METALS?— DR. Kek (@Thekeksociety) January 15, 2024
In this lecture, ‘Academy Of Ideas’ investigates the nature of propaganda. They examine what propaganda is, the difference between education and propaganda, the history of propaganda, the nature of political propaganda, and the role propaganda plays in modern democracies. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
This Episode focuses on Transhumanism and Post Humanism – which are the end games of over-reaching and non-democratic globalist bodies already affecting America and the world. OCOC’s Pastor Casey, along with Col. Macgregor and special Guest Laura Aboli help to define these terms and delve into the Spiritual and Christian dimensions and aspects of this …[continue reading]
This movie is new to me. In my opinion, it is incredibly enlightening to our current predicament in both the East and the West. There are those who want endless war, may they be pounded into the dirt for a thousand years. Peace Love and Joy my friends. Greg Reese EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
former police officer speaks about her awakening EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Wall Street Apes tweeted this comment out about this Owen Benjamin video: Man Who Is High Up In Google Shares Internal Email Saying “February 2024, Google will update the inappropriate content policy for unforeseen sensitive events — including civil emergencies, natural disasters, public health emergencies, terrorism, and related activities, conflict or mass acts of violence” Something is coming …[continue reading]
In 1840, Queen Victoria married Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, which was one German marrying another, while sitting on the English throne. It has remained that way ever since, and that may be why they haven’t cared how neglected the English Throne is or how bad the British Government looks to the rest of the world. …[continue reading]
The U.S. has decided to bomb yet another Middle Eastern nation, this time the Houthis in Yemen. Once again, this has nothing to do with the security of the United States, and once again Congress has not declared war – which makes this action blatantly unconstitutional. It’s evident that we (and our representatives!) have been …[continue reading]