Military Industrial Complex = Ungovernable – Automated – Endless Conflict Machine – Nearing Extinction

“We are nearing a world where aircraft carriers have less value than drones”   ~Crow~   In my lifetime, I have known true freedom. Up until about my fifteenth year living in the countryside, I experienced absolute freedom. This was, of course, made possible by others who had less freedom than I did… my mother …[continue reading]

A Look at C.S. Lewis’ Sci-fi Trilogy: A Journey Out of H.G. Wells’ Deep Black Void

  Cynthia Chung Apr 11, 2023           The following is the transcript of Part 1 of a three part lecture series I delivered to the Rising Tide Foundation on the sci-fi trilogy by C.S. Lewis. In this first installment, I focus on a comparison between C.S. Lewis’ “Out of the Silent …[continue reading]

Hop on Board the OPIC – USAID Corporate Gravy Train. Operated by Senior Executive Service. Fueled by U.S. Taxpayers.

Foreign aid transfers money from poor people in rich countries to rich people in poor countries It goes without saying that most Americans do not trust the phrase “foreign aid” and would rather stop giving money away to “foreign countries” and give that same money to U. S. citizens who are in economic need. In …[continue reading]

Swiss Scientists File Criminal Complaint Against Authorities For Ignoring The Acute Danger Of Poisonous Nanotechnology Deployed Via Chemtrails

The Swiss Scientific group WIR, whose research and interview with Reinette Senum I wrote about has filed a criminal complaint against the authorities in Switzerland for ignoring the imminent danger to the population. Nanotechnological Poisons From Above – Swiss Research Team Reveals Geoengineering “Spider Filaments” Are Polyamide Nanofibers Delivering Highly Toxic Chemicals – We Are …[continue reading]

Currency Creation & Settling Debt with Jim Gandolf on The Never Settle Podcast

Jim Gandolf is a banker by trade, author of fictional book 500 Miles The Book with his heart is in motor racing especially the Indy 500. Jim is head banker for the World Martial Authority (WMA), the highest law enforcement on the planet. His 30 years experience in banking affords him the ability to deal …[continue reading]

Dr. David Cartland Launches Groundbreaking Podcast and Substack: A Voice for NHS Whistleblowers and Patients

I’m thrilled to hear about the launch of Dr. David Cartland’s new podcast this weekend, which promises to shed light on the untold stories of NHS whistleblowers and patients. David, who has always been a staunch advocate for patient rights, has faced significant personal challenges due to his outspoken stance during the Covid-19 chapter. With …[continue reading]

The difference between a narcissist, a psychopath and a sociopath!

Dr. Ramani Durvasula, PhD, an American clinical psychologist, explains in plain language the difference between a narcissist, a psychopath, and a sociopath. Very interesting video. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):