This is what they do to people who play along: Hungarian gymnast and Olympic gold medalist Szilveszter Csollany had once expressed “anti-vaccination views on social media”, but then he was pressured to take the Covid vaccine, falls ill of pneumonia within days with a positive Covid test, dies on a ventilator, and the mainstream media slander him
from Euro Weekly , Matthew Roscoe -25 January 2022
Vaccinated Olympic gold medalist Szilveszter Csollany dies aged 51.
Mainstream media slander him an anti-vaxxer who dies of Covid.
VACCINATED Hungarian gymnast and Olympic gold medalist Szilveszter Csollany dies aged 51, according to the country’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban. He died after contracting the Covid virus soon after receiving his jab.
Csollany, who won gold on the rings at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, passed away on January 24 after contracting Covid. The sports star turned coach, who was twice named Hungarian Sportsman of the Year (2000 and 2002), had been put on a ventilator at a Budapest hospital.

PM Orban paid tribute to the fallen gymnast, writing on Twitter: “God be with you, champion.”
“The Olympic champion gymnast achieved outstanding results not only as an athlete but also an excellent husband and a very good father,” the Hungarian Gymnastics Federation said.
Although having expressed “anti-vaccination views on social media” according to Budapest newspaper Blikk,the Atlanta Games silver medalist was vaccinated against the virus.
The husband and father was working as a gymnastics coach at the time of his death. Many people paid tribute to the Olympian on social media
On person wrote on Twitter: “I can’t believe that you’re gone. Our Champion, our Hero, the One we stayed up for at night. Rest in Peace, our beloved Icon, Szilveszter Csollány.”
Another wrote: “Szilveszter Csollány (1970-2022). Thank you for the memories. Rest in Peace, Champion.”
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