“We are nearing a world where aircraft carriers have less value than drones”
In my lifetime, I have known true freedom. Up until about my fifteenth year living in the countryside, I experienced absolute freedom. This was, of course, made possible by others who had less freedom than I did… my mother and father. They provided food, a roof over my head, and the other things needed to live a life free of hardship and struggle. They were able to provide this for me by following the expected “path” of an American at that time.
Though I had worked on the water since age ten, a small commercial fishing boat (quahog/clams), in the summers, it was by choice, completely free, clear, fun and exciting. At age fifteen I began to unknowingly leave freedom behind. I began to ask for permission. I asked for permission and was granted a driver’s license. I also asked for and received a social security number (SSN). Like so many, I followed the expected path by trading rights for services and benefits. And it is all connected to the Military Industrial Complex (M.I.C.), as well as the world-wide situation we are all dealing with now. We have been pawns in the long game.
Though driving is a rite of passage in America, in 40 states, 4 territories and the District of Columbia, young men are automatically registered into the Selective Services. This is also known as “The Draft”. Again, this happens automatically when young men apply for a driver’s license. There is no current way to claim conscientious objector status or, one who chooses to play no role in the war machine. The only current method of circumvention is to avoid getting a driver’s license until age 26. Automatic draft registration applies only to males, ages 18-26.
The draft, as it was known during the Vietnam conflict, was mandatory. This supposedly changed in 1973 due to the massive backlash from Americans drafted into military service at that time. Ironically Vietnam was not a war. War has not been declared by America since WWII, which means our government has ignored the Constitution where war powers are firmly placed in the hands of Congress.
In 1973 the country was told that the mandatory draft had ended. The country would now rely on “volunteer-only” military service. The following excerpt was published in 1977: “The United States returned to its traditional peacetime practice when, on 27 January 1973, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird announced that the armed forces henceforth would depend exclusively on volunteer soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.” And yet, you are automatically enrolled into potential service for the war machine (in most states) when young men take the necessary steps to legally drive a car in this country. How is this voluntary… one might ask?
In many ways the same game is played with social security numbers. The first thing you should know is that like taxes, getting an SSN is voluntary. There are many court cases that prove this to be true. But what is also true is that the very system we live in ensures that if you choose not to have one, it will be VERY difficult, if not impossible, to do many basic things. What things you ask? Driver’s license, banking, Post Office usage, Universities attendance, Airlines usage, housing purchase or rentals, and utilities, are just a few that can be named. Most of these places have no legal right to demand an SSN, but most are said to have the right to deny services if an SSN is not provided. That is, unless someone uses the court system to push back – which is convenient and inexpensive – right? Wrong.
The slow creep of embedding a “long-game” tactic is evident in the saga of the SSN. Up to about the late 1990s (if my memory serves me) people protected their SSN and did not give that information out – and were regularly directed to protect it and keep it secret. Back then we carried SSN cards because nobody actually remembered their SSN due to infrequent usage. And this was a time when every phone number you used was committed to memory. The first time I was asked to provide my SSN to a non-government system was when I purchased my first cell phone in 1999. I declined and was not allowed to buy the phone. It was in this decade that regular businesses began to demand your private SSN to do business. Keep in mind that the M.I.C. helped pave the way when it switched from “service numbers” to SSNs, between July 1969 and January 1972.
Another piece of the long-game strategy attached to the slowly creeping SSN (and by extension the M.I.C.) is credit scores and credit rating. Like taxes, credit rating was originally aimed at lenders and merchants exclusively, or only the business side of the world. It is claimed that Equifax began in 1899. But as we can see, these cleverly implemented, and slowly creeping control systems rest firmly on the so-called people they are now designed for. They remain locked to our lives via the SSN. Credit scores are designed to fit hand-in-glove with the digital control systems now taking a run at world domination.
The SSN now serves as key and anchor for the long planned digital police state. From tracking to enforcement, no one would have believed what has become of that humble SSN card once held secret, and protected from prying eyes, in every wallet.
In the late 1980s I graduated from USMC boot camp, combat training and Military Occupational Specialty school, called MOS. At this time, the last remnants of the so-called “Old Corps” were becoming extinct. When asked what is meant by the “Old Corps”, I relate that it was a time when manly men were not only the norm, but the expectation, because what was required demanded nothing less. In the Old Corps a “good butt-kicking” was simply a part of training, as well as the cost for insubordination or failure. No nonsense codes of conduct were the backbone of reality back then, and reflected by the well-deserved reputation held in the title “Marine”. It was there that I came to comprehend what we call the M.I.C. It stands at odds with the hard working and honorable Marines I came to know, depend on, and work with.
The sheer size, power and reach of the M.I.C. is beyond my ability to comprehend. And this statement is based on what is perceptible, which may be the tip of the iceberg. This Leviathan now exists above, and is intertwined with every facet of our lives with few exceptions. Again, the M.I.C. seems at odds with the era we are entering now. We are entering an era grounded in rising consciousness, breaking the status quo, growing focus on community, and a trajectory with momentum that departs from materialism and mindlessness. This is not an era that will accept rigid hierarchies, which is currently part and parcel of the M.I.C.
We are about to witness the biggest, best funded, most powerful organization in the world come to terms with a future where it has no place. A world where an aircraft carrier has less value than a drone. A world that will emerge in spite of the fact that the M.I.C. has its tentacles in every operational portion of civilization. Something has to give. Something has to go. And according to the M.I.C. that something is the population, once verified by the Deagel Report and other documents now hidden away. It is hard to imagine there are those in this world that would even consider such crimes. It is even harder to imagine that plans like this may not even be attributed to “people”. However, this is the world we must now address… where every bridge seems to be a bridge too far. None-the-less, we will approach, conquer, and cross that bridge – be it feasible, or not.