MEGA important detail that you are not being told by corrupt elected.
It’s gone way over most people’s heads and the usual Dail Mafia elected are not willing to talk about it – or expose it at all. Very obvious why!!!
This time we are talking about: “WHY was it legally clarified into law though Irish Water legislation, that your personal data became a legal asset!”
Think about it. Certain people needed your data to become a form of legal “asset” so that value could be then be legal attached to it.
If you possess an asset, it’s a commodity that is also of value and that is also later possibly saleable. If a person or a company possesses as much assets as possible, the higher in value that person or company is worth. Simple financial marketing values. Assets = money.
So if Irish Water (just one company that has YOUR data, given without your possible permission – stolen goods) has many assets, -> if that company is later then available for purchasing, the government handing it over through made available shares, is able to up its total sale value – and you will be – or supposed to be – none the wiser.
Now, you’re not supposed to know all this – like many other things I have exposed.
Before TV3 Vincent Browne retired, he on live TV himself, exposed all this too. He exposed that
(a) the National Ombudsman is unable to hold to account Irish Water. Why? Because Irish Water is also state registered as a PRIVATE COMPANY.
(b) exposed that in the Irish Water legislation, it is indeed very later possible for a government to later sell off Irish Water and worse, all the states assets been freely given to it. Yes, that includes state facilities, our water systems and yes, YOUR DATA, your asset.
But you’re not supposed to know all this either.
Vincent Browne, like the rest of us including myself, is far from perfect – but he too exposed much – and we still incredibly, stupidly, are still just accepting such ongoing crap and worse, still voting the same lawbreaking, criminal acting, elected schisters back into power! Are we not?
I’m not afraid to say it even if it later might personally cost me votes. It’s time we got our heads out of our own ass by (a) stop accepting such crap (b) stop voting for those carrying out such crap and (c) stopped paying money to media outlets that’s also trying to keep us all in the dark more!
YOU are being repeat exploited openly and covertly. Stop electing those that’s doing it. Stop voting for those that’s enabling them. It’s high-time we kopped on more!
P.S. Are you still waiting for that referendum to protect our water and its processing systems? I wonder why! O’ you are supposed to have forgotten about that too.