Macron, le Stooge

Clif High’s data processing predicts that whatever emotional tension and release language that is occurring in the aftermath of the stolen Midterm Elections will be doubled on or around November 13th and this emotional tension will remain in that elevated state for 4-to-6 weeks before we see a drop.

It’s unclear what the trigger will be, he says, because the censorship of the internet has so completely polluted the data but it’s conceivable that it could relate to evidence presented of election fraud.

Then he switches topics to discuss the World Economic Forum’s climate agenda, which is based on total nonsense and fraud, just like the entire COVID hoax is.


He sees that French President Emmanuel Macron, a former partner at Rothschild & Cie Banque has been appointed by the World Economic Forum to play the “tough guy” and to push the agenda through in Europe, which is basically the agenda to crash the EU.

Clif then explains the simple math that shows how “Climate Change” is a myth; humans do not produce carbon, they do not create energy. They transform energy from one state into another, from matter that already existed in the biosphere into another state.

The Sun sends 430 kilojoules per hour to Earth. Humans use 410 kilojoules per year. Moreover, humans do not produce these kilojoules of energy, they convert the pre-existing energy. That’s the math. It’s that simple. Furthermore, he says we’re moving into a mini Ice Age, the opposite of Global Warming.