LOVE: The Strongest Energy Ever Measured & Classified Top Secret Energy Field Dye w/Scientists Phil & Max


For this special night, I am airing another important video that has been removed by the censorship cabal. This video is one of my favorites and it scientifically shows the incredible and very real power of human love; the most important and strongest human expression. It’s what we need much more of in this world.

Original description
My friends, Scientists Max Champie & Phil Catalano, rejoin the program to discuss a dark blue chemical dye called ‘dicyanin’ which allows you to see energy fields or the aura of living things. We discuss how the government has now classified this safe, non poisonous, completely safe dye as above top secret. The dye allows scientists to actually measure the strength of love and to see other energy fields typically invisible to the human eye. Max and Phil also share how a vegan diet appears to alter at least 500 human genes and has been shown to lengthen telomeres in as little as 3 months. They discuss how this knowledge could bring many more breakthroughs in the field of longevity. Lastly we discuss their 99.99% ultra pure C60 black seed oil gel caps. Specifically how black seed oil, labeled the “Miracle Herb” by the National Health Institute, with C60 is the perfect combination. Learn more about C60 black seed oil gel caps @