Leaked Audio Tape Exposes Secret Political ‘Bribery’ Scheme; Forces Resignation | Facts Matter

Over in Arizona, alongside the presidential race, in 2024 they also have one of their Senate seats up for grabs. At the moment, the seat is held by Kyrsten Sinema, a former Democrat, who recently changed her party affiliation to Independent. As of today, Kyrsten Sinema has not yet announced whether she’ll be running for re-election, and as such, there are strong political moves being made by both the Arizona Democrats, and Arizona Republicans, to try and grab the seat.
Arizona is one of those states where the Senate seat could realistically flip from one party to another, and potentially, even determine who winds up controlling control of the Senate the coming legislative calendar year.
On the Republican side, you currently have 8 candidates vying for the party nomination. According to recent polls, out of those candidates, Ms. Kari Lake is currently the clear leader. In fact, according to a survey put out by the Arizona Public Opinion Pulse back in October, Ms. Kari Lake stands as the party favorite — with about 40 percent of the vote among Arizona Republicans.
She’s also been able to raise a little over $2 million dollars in the last quarter.
However, it appears that (as great as $2 million dollars is) Ms. Kari Lake recently got an opportunity to get significantly more money… if she chose to drop out of the race.
In a shocking turn of events, 2 days ago, an audio recording was released, which appeared to show the chairman of the Arizona Republican Party offering Kari Lake significant amounts of money if she left politics. 
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