International Public Notice: Nobody is a “Sovereign Citizen” By Anna Von Reitz

Putting the two words “sovereign” and “citizen” together results in an oxymoron.   One cannot be a sovereign and a citizen at the same time.  The words and the positions implied are mutually self-exclusive.  

According to Literary  An oxymoron is a figure of speech that pairs two opposing or contradictory words, such as “original copy” or “silent scream”. 

Or “civilian military”, for example.  

All the oft-repeated attempts to label people as “sovereign citizens” result in gobbledygook and no actionable status, because by definition, no such persons exist. 

All protestations otherwise, by the FBI or any other former Agency or Departmental Personnel,  are fanciful, frivolous, and nonsensical. 

So we may dispense with the idea that any Sovereign Citizens exist, much less cause any problems in this country or any other. 

What we have instead, are Americans who were illegally and unlawfully impersonated, coming forward under national and international law to demand redress. 

These Americans owe no allegiance to the British Crown, no public service obligations as citizens of any Federal entity at all. Instead, they are the long-lost employers of the Federal Government, coming home, claiming their birthright, and peacefully assembling their traditional and customary government. 

No Federal Department, Agency, or Official has any authority to misrepresent, mischaracterize, or misaddress these Americans.  No court lacking a fully disclosed contract has any authority to summon or address these people in any way whatsoever. They are foreign.  

They have always been foreign with respect to these Federal Subcontractors, and they still are. 

It follows that the Federal Bureau of Investigation which is currently chasing its tail and attempting to come out of a sixty year stupor, has no right, reason, or cause to mislabel their foreign sovereigns as “Sovereign Citizens”.  

We are “sovereign” alright, and we have the case law and contracts and treaties to prove that; but we owe no citizenship obligations to any Federal entity.  

Some of us are, indeed, State Citizens, and serve the government of our State of the Union — but our form of Citizenship is voluntary and non-contractual and foreign, in no way resembling the indentured servitude and slavery engaged in by the citizenry of our foreign incorporated Federal Subcontractors. 

We are hearing the hue and cry from those same Subcontractors and also from their subcontractors, who are intent on attacking and misrepresenting American sovereigns as “Sovereign Citizens” and mounting a veritable little propaganda campaign against us and against what we are doing, when it is perfectly clear who we are and that our activities are contractually guaranteed. 

We suggest that the mouthpieces of these foreign corporations immediately retreat to their respective cubicles and study American History non-stop and for as long as it takes.  This, please note, is a subject quite apart from any form of “United States History”.  

Our delusional employees need to learn that we authored the Constitutions and our position with respect to them is as Principals owed performance.  We don’t live “under” any Constitution as our Federal Employees do; instead, we are here to peacefully enforce the Constitutions, and we have full right to do so.  

These facts need to be conveyed — forcefully — to any U.S. Citizen or citizen of the United States flapping their jaws and denigrating us as “Sovereign Citizens”.  

Issued by: 

Anna Maria Riezinger, Judiciary

The United States of America

In care of: Box 520994

Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 24th 2024


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