By Lee Austin
While glancing over the IBM annual report I came upon the following quote from Arvind Krishna, IBM’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “Trust is our license to operate, and for more than a century IBM has earned the trust of our clients and society. We continue to earn it through projects such as our work with the Vatican to develop principles for ethical AI, and our leadership role in data privacy reinforced by the IBM Policy Lab.”
Why would IBM be seeking advice from the Vatican when it comes to programming the morals of it’s AI? The short two word answer is vaccine passports. In case you weren’t aware IBM is in charge of creating and implementing the vaccine passports for the entire world. The vast swaths of digital information gleamed from these vaccine passports would indicate who is and isn’t compliant via a social credit score. Monitoring every human’s behavior in real time 24/7 would require an algorithm capable of determining what is and isn’t morally acceptable according to the precepts of the Vatican.
Using the pretext of injection status, the Luciferian elite would have the power to control the world’s economy and everyone who wants to be a part of the Great Reset. When the old money systems crashes, the vaccine passport becomes the focal point for all economic transactions.
Former Bill Clinton adviser and author Naomi Wolf stated during a recent interview with Fox News. “‘Vaccine passport’ sounds like a fine thing if you don’t understand what those platforms can do. I’m [the] CEO of a tech company. I understand what these platforms can do. It is not about the vaccine. It’s not about the virus. It’s about your data. It can be merged with your PayPal account, with your digital currency,” she warns. “Your network can be sucked up. It geolocates you everywhere you go. Your credit history can be included. It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass … it has the power to turn off your life.”
Just like being jab with the mRNA operating system, once you opt in there’s no way out. You’re only option is to be an outcast from the economic system. Consider Modera admits on their own website the functionality of its’ “vaccine” is more akin to an operating system. “Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer. It is designed so that it can plug and play interchangeably with different programs. In our case, the “program” or “app” is our mRNA drug – the unique mRNA sequence that codes for a protein.”
Once IBM’s AI is imbued with the morals of Roman Catholicism it will be a modern reflection of mystery Babylon, with a crown on Mother Mary’s head, who is actually Semiramis. All worship points to the divine mother. Before the mystery religion of Babylon can rise again, the apostate protestant church will reunite with the Roman Catholic Church. And from this unholy union, the other religions of the world will merge as a one world religion A new trans-human digital stairway to heaven…
COVID-19 is the greatest deception the world has never seen…
The transition from a smart phone vaccine passport, to a vaccine smart patch passport is already in the works. The vaccine smart patch passport could be shipped to your home. Just put it on your hand, take off the sticker, and you’ve been vaccinated. The band-aid contains tiny needles, purposely designed as snake viper fangs. And yes, I’m sure this wasn’t a coincidence either.
During a recent interview Catherine Austin Fitts, publisher of the Solari Report, summed up the goal of the vaccine agenda. She said “The want to download a Microsoft Office System into your body, into your brain and hook it up to the Jedi Cloud Contract and the Amazon Cloud Contract at the CIA. And if they can get seven billion people hooked up directly to their cloud contracts and use the virus…I mean it’s very clever. Use viruses to keep those updates coming. It’s the same exact models you use in the computers. Just like Bill Gates made it possible for the intelligence agencies to get a back door into our data and our computers. They want a back door into our mind. They are trying to load an operating system into our bodies. I call it the injection fraud.”
Lee Austin is the author of “Morning Star’s Tale” https://morningstarstale.com/