We read excerpts from the book “Honest Medicine: Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases” by Julia Schopick.
Bottom line: Doctors are FAR more likely to recommend treatments that are highly profitable to Big Pharma than inexpensive ones – even if the inexpensive ones are far more ones.
Your doctor is far more likely to recommend an expensive, ineffective, and even dangerous “solution.”
Take control of your own medical destiny. No one is ever going to care more than you.
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We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.
An MD tells the truth: A huge percentage of illnesses come from environmental and food factors…and you can do something about that.
Clean, Green, and Lean
A medical approach to treating the countless illnesses created by 21st century living.
Honest Health
Little-known treatments your doctor probably doesn’t know anything about – written by the daughter of a skeptical doctor.