Nothing will change the discontent & disruption in Irish Society until the Irish Facebook posting public realize the three most important circumstances that are the cause of disruption in Ireland (the official State), can only be rectified and remedied by a “HOMEGROWN GRASSROOTS INTERNAL SOLUTION”.
A unique situation in the history of Governments worldwide unknown to foreign heads of State, has existed because those Irish politicians with power over its own people for the last 100 years, have falsified documents by irregular administrative practices, to DECEIVE the public into believing their Official empowerment is legitimate.
The BOYCOTT tool would be a powerul public wrench to tighten the screws to force the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches of the present illegitimate rotating Taoiseach governance to be in compliance with the Irish Constitution (1937) for imparting legitimate Rule of Law and Order within the Irish Nation.
Quite simply that BOYCOTT tool would have its jaws wide enough to grab what is in plain sight by way of EVIDENTIAL DOCUMENTATION that shows the FRAUD upon the Public Trust is manifested in the present Status Quo by the following facts in descending order;
1; The Legislative branch of government (Oireachtas) comprising Dail Eireann, Seanad Eireann, and Presidential office holders should be subjected to a BOYCOTT by simply stating, “NO” we do not accept that those who are presently official office holders are in compliance with the Rule of Law, and the Irish Constituion (1937) because;
a. The Electoral Act 1963 is not validly commenced and enforced
due to the fact that the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 was
never validly commenced and enforced on the 30th May 1924
2; The Executive branch of government comprising Cabinet Ministers, Secretaries of State, and Civil Servant office holders should be subjected to a BOYCOTT by simply stating, “NO” we do not accept that those who are presently official Executive branch office holders are in compliance with the Rule of Law, and the Irish Constituion (1937) because;
b. Due to the fact that the office holders in the Oireachtas have
been devoid of lawful empowerment which stems from the
invalid Electoral Act 1963, they are devoid of official power
to appoint Ministers, Secretaries of State, Civil Servants, and
/or employ outside consultants or contractors, due to the
fact that the Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 was never
validly commenced and enforced on the 30th May 1924
3; The Judicial branch of government comprising of Courts, the Chief Justice, Supreme Court judges, Court of Appeal judges, High Court judges, Circuit Court judges, and District Court judges should be subjected to a BOYCOTT by simply stating, “NO” we do not accept that the Courts are validly established, and those who are presently official Judicial office holders are in compliance with the Rule of Law, and the Irish Constituion (1937) because;
c. Due to the fact that the office holders in the Oireachtas have
been devoid of lawful empowerment pursuant to the invalid
un-enforced Ministers and Secretaries Act 1924 to Establish
Courts, and appoint judges, which was the empowerment
mechanism used, resulting in the invalid un-enforced
provisions of the Courts of Justice Act 1924, Courts
(Establishment and Constitution) Act 1961, Courts
(Supplemental Provisions ) Act 1961, and Court of Appeal
Act 2014.