Girl, nine, who endured up to 300 seizures EVERY DAY and had one of the worst cases of epilepsy doctors have even seen is nearly seizure-free thanks to cannabis oil

  • Teagan Appleby was diagnosed with severe Lennox Gastaut Syndrome epilepsy
  • Put in a medically-induced coma after she had five seizures over eight days 
  • Teagan has not had a seizure in the day, only at night, since taking the oil  

A nine-year-old girl who used to have up to 300 seizures a day has been nearly seizure-free since she started taking cannabis oil.

Teagan Appleby, from Aylesham, Kent, was born with the rare chromosome disorder isodicentric chromosome 15 syndrome, which led to her being diagnosed with severe Lennox Gastaut Syndrome epilepsy when she was just four years old.

The youngster’s condition became so bad she was unable to eat and even had to be put in a medically-induced coma after she had five seizures over eight days last summer.

After having one of the worst cases of epilepsy her doctors have ever seen, Teagan has only had seizures while asleep, and none while awake, since she started taking cannabis oil in July.  

Doctors were forced to put Teagan (pictured in hospital) in a medically-induced coma after she had five seizures over eight days last summer and became unable to even feed herself 

Lennox Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) affects between one and five in every 100 children with epilepsy in the UK and is the most difficult form of the condition to treat, according to Epilepsy Action. 


It makes up four per cent of child epilepsy cases in the US, Florida Hospital statistics show.

LGS can cause ‘drop attacks’ – when a child suddenly falls to the floor, ‘atypical absence seizures’ – when they appear vacant or blank, and ‘tonic seizures’ – these only happen at night and cause stiffening of the limbs.   

Teagan (pictured before) was given Epidiolex, which contains the cannabis compound cannabidiol but not THC – the psychoactive substance that makes users ‘high’. This was enough to control her seizures so they only occur at night and she is seizure-free in the day

Teagan (pictured before) was given Epidiolex, which contains the cannabis compound cannabidiol but not THC - the psychoactive substance that makes users'high'. This was enough to control her seizures so they only occur at night and she is seizure-free in the day

Teagan (pictured before) was given Epidiolex, which contains the cannabis compound cannabidiol but not THC – the psychoactive substance that makes users ‘high’. This was enough to control her seizures so they only occur at night and she is seizure-free in the day