Everything I know: 42 hours of Buckminster Fuller’s visionary lectures free online (1975)

  • The Facts:

    A 42-hour lecture series titled Everything I Know, by Buckminister Fuller, is now available to download at the Internet Archive.

  • Reflect On:

    Can we do things here differently on planet Earth? Do we have the potential, technological capability and solutions in order to create a new human experience that provides abundance to all?

Buckminister Fuller was truly ahead of his time, he was a humanitarian and an activist that provided multiple alternative ways of thought as well as critical questioning with regards to the human experience and how we are currently living here on planet Earth. He was one of many visionaries that could easily see how the human race could operate differently, in a manner where everybody could have their needs met, and provided ways that the human race could actually live in harmony with the planet. Fuller wrote over 30 books, registered 28 United States patents, and kept a diary documenting his entire life. These achievements and others have also made Fuller the subject of at least four documentaries and numerous books, articles, and papers, but it’s always best to hear someones thoughts straight from the source, and now you can do that. A  42-hour lecture series titled Everything I Know, is available to download at the Internet Archive.  You can listen to a part of it in the video below.

I really resonate with a lot of what Fuller shared, especially when it comes to our current system and the way we do things here, and how completely unnecessary and absurd it is. I agree with Fuller, that “One in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a wage.”  Today, we have that capability, and living in that kind of a world would be one devoid of power. It would be a service to others type of community, one that thrived off of cooperation, and not competition, and one where people who sought power would no longer be able to do so.

Imagine if the human race was free? Imagine if we didn’t have to continue doing the same thing, going to school, and finding a job so we can earn a wage to live. What would we do? I believe it’s in our natural state to explore, to be curious, I believe if we created that type of human experience we’d be travelling the stars in no time.

I won’t go into any specific examples. I’ll let you ponder how a utopian society would work, or how all of our needs could easily be provided for. Scarcity is something that doesn’t have to exist, neither does supply and demand. There are solutions and technologies out there that threaten the concept of scarcity, yet they never see the light of day. Our current economic models were all creations by what’s known today as “the 1 percent.” The system was designed to benefit them, not us. Something new needs to be created, a new way of life that requires the complete shut down and change of our current economic model. Just as Fuller said:

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” 

At the end of the day, the concept of “money” alone in my mind is absolutely ridiculous.