
Dr Judy Mikovits, top-level molecular virologist and author of ‘Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science’ joins Lucas Alexander on the Age of Truth YouTube channel. Mikovits worked at the National Institutes of Health under Anthony Fauci for decades, who she says stole her proprietary research not once, but twice.

Since the very beginning of the COVID-19 psyop, Mikovits has been speaking out against the official narrative that has triggered the global lockdowns and economic collapse, calling it a “plandemic”, orchestrated by agents of Big Pharma.

She first crossed paths with Anthony Fauci in 1980, when she worked at NIH at the National Cancer Institute, where she collaborated with Dr Frank Ruscetti and helped him replicate the work of French virologist, Luc Montagnier to isolate the HIV virus. Fauci, who was her boss delayed publication of their paper for 6 months to let his protégé, Robert Gallo replicate, publish and take credit for their work.

She says the delay allowed AIDS to spread around the globe, which in turn helped Fauci get promoted in 1984 to Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, where he remains to this day.

In 2006, Dr Mikovits became director of Whittemore Peterson Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease, collaborating again with Dr Ruscetti to search for the cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). She discovered that 67% of women with CFS carried a virus—called Xenotropic Murine Leukemia-Related Virus (XMRV), which only appeared in 4% of healthy women.

XMRV is associated with prostate, breast, ovarian cancers, leukemia, and multiple myeloma. Many women with XMRV have given birth to children with autism. Mikovits and Ruscetti published their findings in 2009.

In 2011, their research strongly indicated that the highly-infectious XMRV virus was present in the MMR and Polio vaccines given to American children and in the Japanese Encephalitis vaccines given to US military personnel.

Mikovits says, “We recognized that this mouse retrovirus was causing an alarming national health crisis. That is, the blood supply and the vaccines were heavily-contaminated with mouse viruses of many strains.”

Before she could warn the public, Fauci used his power to silence her. When she refused, Dr Fauci stepped in and ordered all her computers and notebooks confiscated and he orchestrated the retraction of their science paper. He then removed all of Mikovits’ funding and prevented her from getting a job in government research from 2012 forward.

She believes that the AIDS epidemic that spread throughout the world was caused by the Hepatitis B vaccine, which was contaminated, “But this information was kept from people, as they spread the disease. They prevented therapies, like Peptide T therapy, which our colleague, the late Candace Pert and Dr Ruscetti had actually designed. It’s a modulated peptide [whereas, Fauci advocated] high levels of toxic AZT…

When Mikovits started her PhD thesis in 1987, it was only known that the molecule called the Helper CD4 T cell was the receptor where the HIV virus entered the cells. Later, it was discovered that Peptide T was blocking the interaction with a different chemokine receptor called CCR5.

She says, “Peptide T blocked the interaction from the monocyte to the T cell and was therapeutic – but they owned the patents on T cell therapy, so the therapies at the time were all targeted towards the T cell…and it was clear they weren’t working. Yet, the FDA prevented Peptide T from ever getting approval.”

Then, as now, she says, “Doctors were asking questions, not unlike today with COVID-19. We are asking questions and our questions are being censored – or our publications, as you’ve seen from what’s happened to me…

“We know now, 30 years later that the vaccines have driven essentially every pandemic and that’s why we’re calling them ‘plandemics’. Just like Zika in 2017, the Ebola outbreak in 2014, clearly was a lab-manipulated virus. I’m not going to say ‘engineered’, I’m going to say ‘manipulated’, because we grew it and that was one of my jobs…and I’m saying the exact same thing right now.

“So this coronavirus was grown in viral monkey kidney cells and spread around the world and the flu vaccines are contaminated with other viruses, other coronaviruses, other retroviruses, bird retroviruses…

“Our work in 2011 should have changed the world and COVID-19 is really a cover-up of those 50 million people, worldwide who they’ve infected now with gamma retroviruses, with contagious, cancer-causing viruses and this is why everything’s called COVID-19, no matter why you die.

“The virus SARS-CoV-2 satisfies zero of Koch’s postulates, meaning everybody with the infection gets the disease. It hasn’t been isolated and shown to be infectious and transmissible, the way we did in our 2009 paper. You take it out of one sick person, isolate it, purify it and then inject it or expose it to another sick person or an animal and get the same disease. That kind of work was done with HIV, was done with the XMRVS but hasn’t been done with SARS-CoV-2…

“I think there’s more than one virus there and I’m sure there are a few viruses there but the work to show the disease association hasn’t been done.”

As for the tests, she says the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests, “contain the RNA, but that’s not the virus that’s just the blueprint of the virus that’s just the RNA…so we don’t know that it’s actually SARS-CoV-2, versus another coronavirus closely related in crosstalk.”

So, when people test positive for SARS-CoV-2, she says it’s not really known what they’re testing positive for, because, “We’re not allowed to see the tests, we’re not allowed to see what they’re testing. We know they’re 80% false positives. All you’ve got is a piece of an RNA from a coronavirus. That’s all you know, is that a piece of that that’s not infectious and transmissible…

“I would say that COVID-19 the disease, is as I said, a ‘plandemic’, intended to take away our rights to – One World Order – to force us into a fear situation…The virus, SARS-CoV-2 exists. It’s not fake, it’s there but it has little to do with the disease, if anything to do with the disease, COVID-19…

“It’s pretty clear now, all the way back to Smallpox, outbreaks on the Spanish Flu of 1918, the Zika…the flu in 1957 and ’58, which was bad in this country was absolutely spread by a vaccination program, whether it be DTP, which is the vaccination program in Brazil, which spread Zika, where we activate expression of viruses that normally do nothing in animals; we jump them into humans with the spraying programs.

“So everything you see around our world that you’re saying; the 5G, the glyphosate, the spraying of Roundup and everything that they’re driving, these pandemics and yes, it’s deliberate because…everything they told us to do is harming our immune system and causing and driving the disease and any potential viruses around the globe.”

When asked if any vaccine was ever any good, she answers, “In my experience, since 1986 never has a safety study or an efficacy study been done on the vaccine. So, the answer is, I can’t say ‘yes’, because there’s no data. There’s no evidence to show these vaccines ever did anything and in fact, there’s much evidence to the contrary, as we look back and and we look at these things.”