Americans citizens were recently coerced into being part of the test or control groups of a medical experiment, without adequate knowledge and without their consent. Hundreds of thousands of Americans likely died from the resulting denial of timely and adequate treatment of Covid-19 and more importantly, its preventable secondary conditions.
This was an egregious violation of The Nuremberg Code on human rights. The time has come for jurisprudence and restitution to those harmed.
You Were Part of an Involuntary Nationwide Medical Experiment
During my initial diagnosis with the Delta variant of Covid-19 back in August 2021, I reasonably inquired of the attending physician as to any candidate or approved therapies and treatments for the condition. In his response, the diagnosing clinician admonished me with the following well-rehearsed quip:
There is no treatment. Go home and sleep it off. You should have gotten the vaccine.
~ Diagnosing Physician at Clinic, Aug 18 2021
As it turned out, this was absolutely the worst advice I have ever received in my life, and from a medical professional no less. This apothegm is what I call a Höchste Mechanism, a fraudulent notion arrogantly passed off as official science – a notion that has become so important to protect, that ignorance is now mandated in defense of its ‘truth’. This misinformation was spun by the clinician as if it were ‘the standard of care’ (both a medical and legal definition)1 for Covid-19, when in fact this was far from the truth. The notion that one need withhold any and all forms of putative treatment or therapy as one approach in addressing Covid-19 or its symptoms, is a principle which functions under the philosophy of a ‘controlled experiment’ (i.e. medical experimentation to confirm an approach as sound/unsound). As a result of such control-versus-test experimentation, we now know that there exist a variety of viable treatments for Covid-19 and in particular, its dangerous secondary conditions.2 3 4 Doing nothing as it turns out, was an unsound approach to the majority of Covid-19 cases. ‘Long Covid’ for instance, is a set of thromboembolic injuries which resulted from exactly this illegitimate ‘there are no treatments – you should have been vaccinated’ control-oriented philosophy (yes, this amphibology is intentional).5 6
The Nuremberg Code of 1947 addresses the context of circumstance wherein the standard of care has not been identified for a medical or therapeutic condition, and various approaches to treatment (including the action of withholding treatment so as to provide for a ‘control group’) are under consideration or testing (aka ‘experimentation’ in 1947).7 In the real life scenario above, I was involuntarily coerced into becoming part of an experimental protocol of withholding all treatment (the control), in favor of testing a vaccine purported to offer certain benefits against Covid-19 infection or severity. The various arguments made as to the efficacy of that vaccine are moot. A decision was made to coerce me, without sufficient knowledge on my part nor my consent, into participating as a control-group member in an experiment evaluating test-group vaccines versus the action of withholding any and all treatment. Much as a healthy beagle might be terminated after starvation for comparative autopsy in a pesticide toxicity study. All this of course as part of various vaccines’ completion of Phase III and IV testing now underway.8

A controlled experiment is one in which every factor is held constant except for one variable per test group.9 In this case that one variable is the introduction of a particular vaccine (say the Pfizer-BioNTech version) to a test group. The fact that the vaccine was not held to standard against ‘the best alternative medical treatments or therapies’, means that denying me access to those available remedies, constituted indeed a control-test experiment exposing me to a potential of harm through contrived inaction. An experiment which risked my person, well being, health, and life without my knowledge or consent – and nothing else. My diagnosing clinician even stated as much, without fully realizing it.

In other words, I was allowed to choose whether I would be a member of
the ‘no treatment allowed’ control group or alternately one of the vaccine test groups;
however, through denying me timely treatment,
I was not offered the ethical choice of not participating in the experiment altogether.

Neither was I informed as to the nature of this experiment, nor was I made aware that other treatments or therapies were at my avail, should I decline participation. I was fraudulently coerced by a medical professional into the belief that I had no choice, I had to participate. My life was endangered and I was exposed to unnecessary amounts of suffering and expense as a result of this coerced experiment. I was not offered the remedies or recourse to address the situation in the instance where the experiment failed, nor was I given the opportunity to bring the experiment to an end.
This set of actions constituted a violation of my human rights, subject to The Nuremberg Code of 1947. The following excerpts from that Code apply to the specific offenses outlined in my circumstance.10
1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur;
7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.
9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
~ The Nuremberg Code of 1947 (see footnote 10)
In other words, my human rights were egregiously violated. I lost loved ones to this experiment. My family suffered extensive career and financial losses, we all suffered physically and mentally beyond reason, and any member could have died inside this experiment (one elder family member very nearly died of blood clots in her lungs and other organs). Each of us, fully unaware that our lives were being exploited for experimental (and political) purposes. Each bearing our own small drama inside this crime against humanity.
The time has come for jurisprudence and restitution regarding this crime.
How Many Persons Were Impacted by this Unethical Experiment?
But how can we even begin to quantify just how large a crime it was? In researching the mechanisms of death involved in either Covid-19 itself, or its even more dangerous secondary effects, I sought out medical publications and studies which would serve to parse Covid deaths into their actual root physiological cause. What I found disturbed me greatly. Covid-19 itself, comprising the indicators and symptoms of fever, cytokine storm, cough, and diarrhea, was rarely the cause of actual death in most Covid mortality. The primary cause of death was ‘venous and arterial thromoembolic events’ (see the black arrow in Exhibit 1 below). That is to say, that 50 to 75% of all Covid deaths came from blood clots.11 12 Blood clots (as well as endothelial dysfunction) are conditions which are eminently treatable, provided they are addressed in a timely manner. If they are left untreated for long, myriad systems and organs within the human body will be negatively impacted.

This circumstance was akin to telling potential cancer patients to
‘Check back in with us next year and we’ll take a look at your growing lump then.
In the meantime, if you find yourself starting to die, go to the emergency room’.

This set of events constituted a highly unethical, nay monstrous, set of decisions on the part of American health officials. One which has resulted in death and immeasurable harm, from delayed treatment which was administered only under the extreme condition wherein the sufferer was dying. A dying person literally had to force their way into an ER or hospital’s care, just to get access to Heparin or a pill which could have prevented the entire tragedy (as well as hospital/ICU overloading) if it had been administered seventeen days earlier.
50 to 75% of all Covid-19 deaths were a result of endothelial dysfunction and blood clotting. Conditions that would not have been fatal if timely treatment had been made available to the victims.
Such readily available treatments were denied to patients, under a contrived ignorance and the unethical protocol of an involuntary experiment that placed them at risk of harm and death.
Of course, I am not even going to venture a guess as to the financial losses incurred by American citizens under this barbaric method of managing a pandemic. The restitution numbers will be staggering. More appropriate for this analysis however, is a quantification of the human loss in terms of injury, suffering, and life. In particular, we estimate that
- 20+ million citizens experienced negative life-impacts/injuries/long-Covid aside from the mere pandemic virus itself,
- 6.5 million citizens experienced excessive suffering, hospitalization, injury, and expense, and
- 420,000+ citizens died from being denied early and timely treatment of endothelial and thromboembolic conditions (click on the image to expand Exhibit 1 below).
As one may observe in Exhibit 1 above, the median day of Covid mortality (day 18.5) falls right in the middle of the disease progression timeframe in which venous and arterial thromboembolic events were almost exclusively occurring on average. In fact, the majority of hospitalization, morbidity, and mortality events associated with Covid-19, were a direct result of otherwise treatable endothelial dysfunction and blood clots.13 14
Most people did not die of the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself, nor even its primary Covid-19 symptoms. They died at the hands of unaccountable public health officials. They died as the result of a horrendous experiment in humanity on the part of The Party – one conducted gleefully on their political opponents. While at the same time rubbing their noses in the destruction of their children’s lives, shuttering of their small and medium-sized businesses, and overall impingement upon their quality of life.
We, the American citizens, seek remedy for this crime against humanity.

The Ethical Skeptic, “Denial of Early Covid-19 Treatment – A Crime Against Humanity”; The Ethical Skeptic, WordPress, 30 Dec 2021; Web,
- The Standard of Care: Legal History and Definitions: the Bad and Good News; West J Emerg Med. 2011 Feb; 12(1): 109–112;
- Harvard Medical School: Treatments for COVID-19 – What helps, what doesn’t, and what’s in the pipeline; 23 Dec 2021;
- US Department of Health and Human Services: COVID-19 Treatments and Therapeutics;
-; COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 1,261 studies: All studies combined (pooled effects, all stages) panel; 30 Dec 2021;
- RCSI. “Blood clotting may be the root cause of Long COVID syndrome, research shows.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 16 August 2021.
- Editor,; “Long COVID triggered by blood clots, experts suggest”; 16 Sep 2021;
- BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, No 7070, Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996;
- United States Food and Drug Administration: Emergency Use Authorization for Vaccines Explained; 30 Dec 2021;
- Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. “What Is a Controlled Experiment?” ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020,
- BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, No 7070, Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996;
- Fodor, Adriana et al. “Endothelial Dysfunction, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress in COVID-19-Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets.” Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity vol. 2021 8671713. 21 Aug. 2021, doi:10.1155/2021/8671713
- Melissa Puckey,; “How do COVID-19 symptoms progress and what causes death?”;
- Fodor, Adriana et al. “Endothelial Dysfunction, Inflammation, and Oxidative Stress in COVID-19-Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets.” Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity vol. 2021 8671713. 21 Aug. 2021, doi:10.1155/2021/8671713
- Melissa Puckey,; “How do COVID-19 symptoms progress and what causes death?”;