China’s Coronavirus Whistleblower Is Now Memorialized on Ethereum Feb 7, 2020 at 05:14 UTCUpdated Feb 7, 2020 at 07:48 UTC Screenshot of the smart contract monument created in memorial of Dr. Li Wenliang Wolfie Zhao China’s Coronavirus Whistleblower Is Now Memorialized on Ethereum Someone has just created a …[continue reading]
IT’S ALL ABOUT IMMUNITY ALREADY DAMAGED LUNGS ARE VULNERABLE Let’s get real about colds and flu. They’re not the end of the world and never have been. To date, the people who are dying of the current flu are older people, already in poor health, who live in what is literally the most polluted big …[continue reading]
This is a big one. How do experts tell the story of the origin of the China epidemic? The story is always important. The medical professionals need to make it sound credible. If it has major flaws, it’s as if a stage magician screws up a trick in full view of the audience. As he’s …[continue reading]
DR. STEPHANIE SENEFF Why Glyphostate is so toxic Disclaimer: If you have a medical problem, go to a medical doctor. This information is for informational purposes only. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Now that the vaccine-promoting PR agency called the World Health Organization has declared a coronavirus global emergency, we move into a serious phase of the “case numbers” game. Hold your hats. There are all sorts of categories and terms that pop up. You’re not supposed to understand them. You’re supposed to let them wash over …[continue reading]
Most of you probably know what Thieves Oil is, but if not have I got a story for you?! The name and recipe for Thieves Oil have an interesting backstory and explains why this blend of oils is so good for you. The recipe varies and dates back to the Middle Ages where Thieves Oil …[continue reading]
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood (To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealed, click here.) As I predicted in an article several days ago, we were on the cusp of a big THANK YOU, CHINA moment. It’s here. From tweets accompanying the live World Health Organization emergency meeting on “the epidemic”: “I was very impressed …[continue reading]
HONEST MEDICINE DOES EXIST While it’s true that most doctors have given up and have just become product pushers for Big Pharma…. There are some – 1 out of 100? 1 out of 1,000? 1 out of 10,000? – who have the humility and integrity to continue to research and learn. Dr. Schmidt has created …[continue reading]
Researchers at Washington State University have found that a compound in garlic is 100 times more effective than two popular antibiotics at fighting the Campylobacter bacterium, one of the most common causes of intestinal illness. Their work was published recently in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. The discovery opens the door to new treatments for …[continue reading]
Sometimes, during years of research, unusual dots pop up, and you see connections you never suspected were there. Here is a bottom line connection. When the poor and disenfranchised people mount a protest against some draconian action of the State or corporation, the super-rich controllers don’t register outright panic. They believe they can manage the …[continue reading]