Hi everyone, My name is Katherine Ross and I am a Psychic Medium and Reiki Master with interest and expertise in the Laws of attraction and universal energy. I am very interested in healing on a cellular level, dispelling old negative habits and beliefs which can interfere with the well-being of our physical and energy …[continue reading]
#WeAreMillions en by Name NEW Order the book from OR Books → We Are Millions Photo campaign by Courage Foundation The Courage Foundation announces #WeAreMillions, a massive photo campaign to demonstrate global support for WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. We Are Millions features supporters holding signs to express simply and clearly why they are standing up for …[continue reading]
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjybkKoA2wzMcJiwKOKemlQ Common Sense Capitalism SUBSCRIBE For more videos: Facebook: www.facebook.com/FreeToChooseNetwork Media Website: http://freetochoosemedia.org/index.php Twitter: https://twitter.com/FreeToChooseNet Company: http://freetochoosenetwork.org S hop: http://www.freetochoose.net Stream: http://freetochoose.tv EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
it is against the investment of all societies. If people are wise they cannot be exploited. If they are intelligent they cannot be subjugated, they cannot be forced in a mechanical life, to live like robots. They will assert their individuality. They will have the fragrance of rebellion around them. They will like to live …[continue reading]
n this next mission, we will deal with the ancient Atlantis, because here begins our story. And that just has to be done, because that’s where our present-day problems arose. Long ago, over 13,000 years ago, human consciousness grids began to collapse and humanity began to lose their higher consciousness. It’s what the Bible called …[continue reading]
Tracey O’ Mahony A review of Health (Amendment) Bill 2020 which has been passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas and is due to signed into law imminently. Link to Bill: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/bills/bi… Link to Debates on Bill: https://www.oireachtas.ie/en/debates/… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
By Pao Chang, author of EsotericKnowledge.me Below is the transcript of the video. Please be aware that the transcript may not have all the information in the video. Bonjour and welcome to Esoteric Knowledge. My name is Pao and I am the peaceable, living, and spiritual man possessing God-given rights. In this video, I am going …[continue reading]
Youtube Hunger Games Purge… What Do They Not Want You To Know About What Is Happening? Intro Video:https://www.facebook.com/129995207012918/videos/284649032866664/?__so__=channel_tab&__rv__=all_videos_card Questions: What’s Going On??? – Randy Hillier: https://youtu.be/AzWLlfwfD4Y Pentagon to dish out $600mn in contracts for ‘5G dual-use EXPERIMENTATION’ at 5 US military sites, including to ‘aid lethality’: https://www.rt.com/usa/502996-pentagon-5g-experimentation-lethality Larken’s Indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/jones-plantation#/ https://odysee.com/ To donate to the Jones Plantation feature …[continue reading]
A hugely inspiring conversation, as activist Michael O’Bernicia of thebernician.net, breaks down the private criminal prosecutions for “Pandemic” Fraud that he is bringing, under Common Law, against all British MPs who voted to extend The Coronavirus Act 2020. These treasonous MPs were served notice at the end of September, and offered an opportunity to escape prosecution …[continue reading]
https://mymticlub.com/?referral=WGP All the Tools You Need to Succeed. This member portal aims to inform and empower each and every MTI member, whether it be to better understand the MTI model, trading service or optional referral program.With industry leaders that have different strengths and styles, the training team work together to provide a diverse platform where …[continue reading]