The Seven Hermetic Principles

“The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.” —The Kybalion ➝ I. THE PRINCIPLE OF MENTALISM. “THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.” -The Kybalion. This Principle embodies the truth that “All is Mind.” It explains …[continue reading]

W4 sandwich parts 1-5 on one video

The W4 sandwich process is quite interesting and powerful. We will be exploring this process with ‘Hollywood’ ( not the movie industry ) Holly has had success and will be sharing what has worked and not worked. Join the W-4 Open Mic Chat Telegram channel I HIGHLY recommend this series for ‘correcting’ your status, …[continue reading]

INTERVIEW: Sanctions are doing more damage to #Europe than #Russia says #JohnnyMiller

INTERVIEW: Sanctions are doing more damage to #Europe than #Russia says #JohnnyMiller “INTERVIEW: People in the #Donbas have been shelled and killed since 2014. And they can’t be part of #Ukraine any more. #Ukraine is indiscriminately attacking what it claims are its own people #JohnnyMiller EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

SACRED GEOMETRY: ‘Let’s Speak Of The Unseen…’, The Unified Field – By Kingsley L. Dennis

Source – “…There is a meaning to life. There is a meaning to everything for existence is pure meaning…We are pure existence. We are all that is and all that ever will be. We are in a dance, a conversation, a relationship, with ourselves. You, me, everything. The fragmentation we see around us is only a perceived aspect of …[continue reading]

How science arrived at the doorstep of spirituality

Can thought, intention, and emotion influence the physical world? Many people believe that they can, but scientific models for testing and quantifying this idea often fall short. Classical physics has been very successful at understanding the physical nature of the universe, yet this world-view assumes that reality is limited to matter. This leaves classical physics …[continue reading]

Beings and Forces by Satprem.

Constantly and unknowingly, we receive influences and inspirations from higher, superconscious regions, which express themselves inside us as ideas, ideals, aspirations, or works of art; they secretly mold our life, our future. Similarly, we constantly and unknowingly receive vital and subtle-physical vibrations, which determine our emotional life and relationship with the world every moment of …[continue reading]