Geoengineering: The Greatest Threat To Humanity shows that Dane Wigington is the lead researcher of Geoengineering Watch and the author of Geoengineering a Chronicle of Indictment. He warns about the geoengineers in the video THEY ARE MANUFACTURING EXTINCTION!!, “We are going to hit the wall. We have a very limited time scale left with the …[continue reading]
There are 76 international organizations whom hold extensive immunities and privileges, in addition to the Bank for International Settlements along with 63 central banks and financial institutions that function with BIS, to create a complete control framework that operates entirely outside the law from what all other organizations must adhere to. While they all tout …[continue reading]
“Viren sind nicht das Problem. Bleiben Sie besonnen.“ (“Viruses are not the problem. Stay level-headed.”) ~ Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg This week, we are finally honoring Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg as one of our great heroes during the ongoing p(l)andemic that has descended upon the world. His status—in terms of leadership, scientific and factual clarity, and commitment …[continue reading]
Voltree Power was the first to harvest metabolic energy from non-animal organisms such as trees and plants. The Company uncovered the science behind this power source through research it funded at MIT. Today, Voltree Power is leveraging its patented bioenergy harvester, as well as other energy harvesting technologies, to provide practical, granular, cost-effective, and innovative …[continue reading]
What is Electroculture? Electroculture is the an ancient practice of increasing yields utilizing certain materials to harvest the earth’s atmospheric energy. This was presented in 1749 by Abbe Nollett, in the 1920s by Justin Christofleau, and 1940s by Viktor Schauberger. This energy is always present and all around us also known as Chi, Prana, Life …[continue reading]
This is a theory in the making since 2016. The Ogham is the language of DNA via the sound of the trees. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Source – “…Repetition is also the mother of propaganda, mind control, cult programming, groupthink, and mass formation psychosis, all of which create a hypnotic state, of people unable to discern truth, use common sense, think for themselves, or see beyond a narrow band of perception-based reality even when presented with verifiable facts. When people are …[continue reading]
The Aims of Anthroposophy and the Purpose of the Goetheanum CW 84, eleven lectures (his last public lectures) by Rudolf Steiner. Translated by Matthew Barton. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Rachael has questions about the latest decentralized internet infrastructure, QORTAL. Mike Winner and Jason Crow of respond and they end up having an upclose and personal chat focusing on the benefits of alternatives to mainstream corporate pushed systems of control. From computing to personal health management to dance parties this conversation has it all! …[continue reading]
8 CRAZY experiments with SOUND! Go Experimental Watch these 8 crazy experiments WITH SOUND now to see the power of resonant frequencies smash wine glasses, move objects, and more! Why Not Try Skillshare Totally Free For One Month? ➡️ Apps used: Tone generator: Sonic… Spectrum analyzer: Sonic tools… Tuning …[continue reading]