The Folly of Irrational War-mongering and Other Unlearned Lessons from World War I By Gary G. Kohls, MD December 20, 2023 “Enemy” soldiers in World War 1 fraternizing at Christmas “…the ones who call the shots won’t be among the dead and lameAnd on each end of the rifle we’re the same” — John McCutcheon …[continue reading]
A fascinating exploration of the groundbreaking discoveries and mind-blowing uses of waters secret qualities. Understand why vortexing water may be so beneficial to your health. Free-energy produced by the Repulsine device. An excellent documentary on the genius of Viktor Schaubeger and his son, Walter Schauberger who spent their life researching and utilizing waters hidden qualities. …[continue reading]
FULL VERSION – What is the “Naga”lase protein? And why did the FDA raid the office of the Doctor who discovered it? And why did that doctor and over 200 other researchers in that field get assassinated? I’ll try to upload this series in 4 parts at a later date for those who need to …[continue reading]
THEY ARE PROGRAMMING YOU The invisible government/Deep State/TPTB/ruling elite/oligarchs who rule this world and understand the psychological techniques and propaganda methods which can be used to manipulate the minds of the masses, have been perfecting their modus operandi, as the masses have been progressively dumbed down by the government controlled education system. They control …[continue reading]
All cultures and ancient traditions talk about our being far beyond matter . “The 1 Field”, using the scientific tools of the 21st century, examines this assumption through interwoven storylines: The life stories and research of groundbreaking figures in the study of consciousness, and scientific experiments supervised by research institutes and scientists worldwide . Can …[continue reading]
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman, author of the popular book “Deep State,” is back from the recent so-called COP28 conference in Dubai, UAE. Newman continues to report on the not-so-secret plan to destroy everything in America by pushing scams on the West in energy and education. Let’s start with what Newman calls the “scam” of CO2 …[continue reading]
Richie and Ben have been good pals over the years and have great time for each other. Ben as you will hear is an Irish man that simply wants to see justice and fairness for those that have struggled to get by over the last 20 tumultuous years. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Investigative journalist and senior editor of the New American, Alex Newman, rejoins the program to discuss his latest trip to Dubai where the globalist had their latest climate conference. During this event they also met to discuss the new one world religion they are working to create and brainwash the world to follow. You can …[continue reading]
Most controversial is the evolutionary question. I have done a great deal of work on Darwin and can say with some assurance that Darwin did not derive his theory from nature but rather superimposed a certain philosophical viewpoint on nature and then spent twenty years trying to gather the facts to make …[continue reading]