The Yellow Vests forced the French government to not present an austerity-laden annual budget for the first time in a decade. You should be saying, “Wow, that is a historic achievement.” Please be clear: this is joyous, uplifting, pro-democracy, once-in-a-decade good news! An end to austerity is why France elected Francois Hollande in 2012, whose …[continue reading]
Harley Schlanger rejoins the program to discuss the globalist and central banker actions that are now taking place since their annual meeting last month. The Federal Reserve has been pumping $75 billion dollars a day into the economy since September 15th and will continue to do this until October 10th or later. We discuss what …[continue reading]
By Anna Von Reitz Ever feel a euphoric surge of love, just because someone, somewhere, did something so profoundly good, right, and true —that it inspires that profound emotion? I felt it when I first read William Cooper’s books, and so, it’s no surprise that I felt it again this morning when I ran …[continue reading]
The Mike and Doug Show delivers this blockbuster “news” that has been hidden from patriots in history by the Pilgrims Society. Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel explain all. Read the full report here: https://americans4innovation.blogspot… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Author Peter Schweizer from the Government Accountability Institute joined FOX and Friends on Monday morning to discuss the Biden Family’s massive pay-for-play scandal. Schweizer is author of the book Secret Empires detailing the vast corruption of the Washington DC elites. Schweizer is an expert on the Biden family billion dollar pay for play scandals with …[continue reading]
I was told many depressing things as a child. Watching World Vision infomercials educating the west to the want and misery suffered by millions of children in the third world, I wasn’t alone in asking adults “why”? When I enjoyed all the comforts of food security, electricity and running water, why were these other children …[continue reading]
F. William Engdahl is an American German freelance journalist, historian and economic researcher. “Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation” This lecture at the Open Mind Conference 2013, focuses on how a small socio-political American elite seeks to establish its control over the very basis of human survival, the provision of our daily …[continue reading]
William Land describes the actual underlying data for thousands of years in the “Great Global Warming Swindle“. Global Warming Fraud Basics Co2 and Temp vs Solar Activity and Temp Carbon dioxide does not fit the global warming cycle at all. Solar activity does. Al Gores’ Ice Core examples Al Gore’s ice core tests show Gore …[continue reading]
nd, astoundingly, we still hear people saying “Well, I haven’t done anything wrong, so I don’t have anything to worry about.” Trending in the world of tomorrow is pre-crime “predictive policing,” which uses vast Big Data stores to compile profiles on the citizenry, allowing law enforcement and government officials to hone in on targets, with promises …[continue reading]