Where Did the Missing Trillions Go? Catherine Austin Fitts on The Corbett Report

Catherine Austin Fitts recently joined James Corbett and exclaimed, “How strange it is that we live on a planet with 7 billion people and the fundamental economic and governance model is secret. That’s nuts!” She’s become obsessed with the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board Statement 56 (FASB 56) released a year ago, which authorizes the …[continue reading]


List of major WikiLeaks releases 26 December 2006 – Inside Somalia and the Union of Islamic Courts 7 November 2007 – Guantanamo Bay Camp Delta Standard Operating Procedure manual 20 February 2009 – Scientology Secret Bibles 4 September 2009 – Minton report: Trafigura toxic dumping along the Ivory Coast 5 April 2010 – Collateral Murder: Video of civilians …[continue reading]


Last month, PewDiePie, who has the largest single individual YouTube audience in the world announced he was going to give $50,000 to the Anti-Defamation league (ADL) because, “it fights hate speech, bigotry and prejudice in all its forms.” What happened next came as a surprise to PewDiePie. He was slammed by a tsunami of vituperation …[continue reading]


Former Google software engineer and whistleblower, Zach Vorhies joins JustInformedTalk to discuss how Google’s Artificial Intelligence ‘Manhattan Project’ called DeepMind has made Google the leader in neural network technology, through their innovation of “transferrable AI”, which applies machine learning acquired from one network to a similar network/task. The main use of Artificial Intelligence is to …[continue reading]

What is the E-Cat?

E-Cat stands for “Energy Catalyzer” and is an invention considered by many to be one of the most important technological developments of of our age. It is an energy production device invented by Italian-American inventor Andrea Rossi who has been developing of the course of over two decades, and has now come to a point …[continue reading]

Plundering Iraq

By Eric Margolis November 18, 2019 “Information Clearing House” –   Victor Hugo said of the devastated Balkans in the 19th century: ‘The Turks have passed by here. All is in ruins or mourning.’ Welcome to modern Iraq. The British were always masters of efficient imperialism. In the 19th century, they managed to rule a …[continue reading]