Media’s Deafening Silence On Latest WikiLeaks Drops Is Its Own Scandal EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Wikileaks still holding powerful to account as founder Julian Assange “slowly dies” in prison Assange is kept in being kept in solitary confinement 23 hours per day, often sedated, in Britain’s notorious Belmarsh Prison. Julian Assange is dying inside Belmarsh Prison in London. Those are his own words, relayed through English journalist Vaughan Smith, who …[continue reading]
The big picture is that we haven’t needed fossil fuels since about a hundred years ago…the Maxwell Quaternion Equations, that were chopped off and changed…resulted in us having an energy sector that requires us to burn something or heat something up to create steam to get us electricity or to run our cars… It was …[continue reading]
Feeling burned out? You may be spending too much time ruminating about your job, says psychologist Guy Winch. Learn how to stop worrying about tomorrow’s tasks or stewing over office tensions with three simple techniques aimed at helping you truly relax and recharge after work. This talk was presented at a TED Salon event …[continue reading]
Big Tech isn’t ultimately in the business of making money. They’re in the business of social engineering. Their behaviorist algorithm changes and de-platformings have the effect of training content creators into learned helplessness around the big issues, with the goal of shutting everybody up. Don’t let them. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Newsbud’s Kurt Nimmo created this video report, which I’ve transcribed below about how the shadowy Tavistock Institute in London has been instrumental in causing the US to enter World War I, the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, the “free trade” agreements that intentionally decimated the Middle Class, Fake News and MKULTRA. He says, Tavistock’s …[continue reading]
“POLITICIANS ARE JUST PLAYING OUT THEIR SCRIPTS” Government needs oversight – serious oversight – but it doesn’t need abolition. But that’s what the Koch brothers would like to do – because it will add to the $100 billion their daddy gave them. Their companies are among the top polluters in the country and they want …[continue reading]
“Trump was chosen by FREEMASONS ILLUMINATI & JEWS ZIONISTS as their third option to deceive people! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
This is the most significant and important lawsuit of the 21st century, and it impacts the entire world. CEO’s and Founders Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Sergey Brin, Larry Page and Sandar Pichai are also named as defendants along with their companies. CASE SUMMARY FACTS Endangering Humanity with the misuse of Artificial Intelligence, Complicity and Aiding …[continue reading]
How come no one in Uk ever saw this? How come no one in Europe acted on it? EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): What an amazing speech How come no one in Uk ever saw this?How come no one in Europe acted on it?Posted by Terry Reeves on Saturday, November 23, 2019