EXPOSED: All the Queen’s Agents and Corporations that Control the World

We may not realize it, but we are still subjects of the British Monarchy. American history books and classes indoctrinated (propaganda) us into believing we had won the American Revolution. But we didn’t. We are still subjects of Queen Elizabeth. The history books were written by the victors and their big publishing houses. And it …[continue reading]

Brand new renewable technology harnesses electricity from the cold, dark night

Brand new renewable technology harnesses electricity from the cold, dark night Two years ago, one freezing December night on a California rooftop, a tiny light shone weakly with a little help from the freezing night air. It wasn’t a very bright glow. But it was enough to demonstrate the possibility of generating renewable power after the …[continue reading]

The Goldfish Report No. 388: Red and White Dragon’s Update on Ending the Fed

On The GoldFish Report No. 388, Louisa welcomes the Red Dragon Ambassador and Benjamin Fulford of the White Dragon Society to discuss the Global Financial Reset that is now being discussed on the world stage by the G7 leaders in addition to the IMF, President Putin, and the Rothschild’s Economist Magazine. The discussion surrounds the …[continue reading]

Female Druids, the Forgotten Priestesses of the Celts

Female Druids, the Forgotten Priestesses of the Celts Read Later  Print In medieval Irish legends they were called Banduri or Bandorai. Their existence was confirmed by ancient Greek and Roman writers. But who were the legendary female Druids? The Druids were the ancient religious leaders, scientists and researchers of the Celtic society. For centuries, there …[continue reading]

Vox Populi, Methods of Manipulation

All over the world police states are becoming the superior form of government. Even people from countries conditioned to identify themselves as free are fast becoming informed that they’re living under one expanding, dictatorial, central government. By now it’s occurred to almost everyone that there’s something terribly wrong with the way the world is being …[continue reading]

Queen Elizabeth and the Overthrow of Trump

Queen’s “Golden Shares” in defense companies gives her counselors worldwide control over war, intelligence, healthcare and propaganda, including their minions in the rogue C.I.A. et al Christopher Steele took orders from the Queen’s Privy Council propaganda chief Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, founder and chairman of Cambridge Analytica and parent SCL Group that told The Guardian …[continue reading]