How ‘Defense’ contractors lobbied for War in Yemen

How ‘Defense’ contractors lobbied for War in Yemen  … and reaped the profits from death and destruction Lobbying firms like the McKeon Group, headed by lobbyist Buck McKeon (who was the former chairman of the House Armed Services Committee in the US Congress), represent both US defense contractors and countries such as Saudi Arabia and …[continue reading]

Coronavirus XI: what the hell is going on? The fear should stop!

I cannot understand why we are in a police state atmosphere right now. Over 99% of those that contract COVID-19 will recover from it. Folks, I am not minimizing this illness. COVID-19 is something to take seriously. It is highly contagious and spreads quickly.  Yes, it causes respiratory failure and death in those most susceptible: …[continue reading]


One of the bright spots of the past 3 years has been the emergence of Google whistleblower, Zach Vorhies, with his insider confirmation that our most paranoid imaginings about Google were true and his gory details of how they’ve been actively working to censor independent content creators. Vorhies, who was an engineer at  Google-YouTube for …[continue reading]

One of the most IMPORTANT messages ever recorded. NW AGENDA PLAN (Insider’s Interview) [Tapes 1 & 2]

There was a meeting of pediatricians and students which took place on the 20th March 1969 at the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society, which was located on Ridge Avenue in Pittsburgh. At the meeting on the 20th March 1969, Dr Day asked the attendees not to take notes or record what he was about to tell them. …[continue reading]

31 Questions and Answers about the Internal Revenue Service

31 Questions and Answers about the Internal Revenue Service   Revision 3.9   certified by   Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S. Citizen of Washington State, Federal Witness, Private Attorney General, Author and Webmaster of the Supreme Law Library   Internet URL of home page:   Internet URL of this file:   Common Law …[continue reading]

Never let a crisis go to waste-USA becomes a police stat

  As the coronavirus epidemic monopolizes the attention of the American people, government is taking the opportunity to sneak through all manner of restrictive legislation, including a law that could end the internet as we know it. Killing the internet… to save the children? The ominously-named EARN IT Act (short for “Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect …[continue reading]

Breakthrough Solar System Uses Recycled Aluminum to Store Energy—Without Batteries

A new renewable energy startup company has come up with a low-cost, zero-emissions solution to the thorny issue surrounding what happens when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing. Paradoxically, the more the world embraces clean energy like solar and wind, the more it must embrace something markedly less-clean—diesel fuel or batteries. In …[continue reading]