COVID: No Real Differences by Wearing Masks – Largest Randomized Controlled Trial

“COVID: No Real Differences by Wearing Masks – Largest Randomized Controlled Trial”by Donna Garner 11.20.20 11.18.20 – ACP Journals New York Times reported: “About 4,860 participants completed the study. The researchers had hoped that masks would cut the infection rate by half among wearers. Instead, 42 people in the mask group, or 1.8 percent, got …[continue reading]

Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset

winter oak Klaus Schwab and his great fascist reset  winter oak 2 months ago <img class="i-amphtml-intrinsic-sizer" style="max-width: 100%; display: block !important;" role="presentation" src="data:;base64,” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” /> Born in Ravensburg in 1938, Klaus Schwab is a child of Adolf Hitler’s Germany, a police-state regime built on fear and violence, on brainwashing and control, on propaganda and …[continue reading]


As if we weren’t already living in a vortex of extreme novelty, it appears that events are about to be kicked up a notch. On Wednesday, the new Acting Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller announced, “I have directed the Special Operations civilian leadership to report directly to me, instead of through the current bureaucratic channels.” …[continue reading]

Noam Chomsky: Trump Is Using Pandemic to Enrich Billionaires as Millions Lose Work & Face Eviction

As millions of people in the U.S. lose work and face eviction due to the economic crisis brought on by the pandemic, the 1% have seen a massive increase to their wealth, with Amazon founder and world’s richest person Jeff Bezos recently adding an estimated $13 billion to his net worth in a single day. …[continue reading]

The Great Reset: The Deep State vs the Great Awakening

On Monday night, John Michael Chambers hosted a power panel to discuss the 2020 election crisis, with Jeffery Prather, Alexander Newman, Susan Bradford, Lt. Scott Bennett, James Grundvig and myself. Fast and Furious whistleblower, Jeffrey Prather, a veteran of the DEA and the 4th Psychological Operations Group in the Army Special Forces describes the latest …[continue reading]


Controversial economic forecaster, Martin Armstrong joins Greg Hunter on Armstrong’s computer model was one of the few that predicted Brexit – and two years ago, it also predicted that this year’s US presidential election would be the most corrupt in American history. He says, “The computer doesn’t ask my opinion or anybody else’s, it …[continue reading]