‘Australians must know the truth – this virus is not a pandemic’: Alan Jones

Sky News host Alan Jones says he has warned time and time again the political leaders who are the architects of this coronavirus response will not be able to escape the criticism that is now finding its way into the public place. It comes as an economist in the Victorian Department of Finance and Treasury, …[continue reading]

The Lie the Vatican Told – The Covens of Azazel & the Babylonian Slave Queen – Part 1 of 4 sound repaired

History & Law. This video has no ‘voice narration’ in order to shorten the Time. This is the history that was removed This removal has allowed for propaganda & myth. The purpose of making it long, by adding clips, was to help those who cant seem to make the connections between the laws we are …[continue reading]

News media who ignore the Assange Trial … are admitting they don’t care about journalism

The Sydney Morning Herald just published an article titled “Julian Assange interrupts extradition hearing again” about the WikiLeaks founder’s correct interjection that he never put anyone’s lives in danger with the publication of the Manning leaks a decade ago. It’s actually a rather shocking smear piece for the SMH, who has been one of the …[continue reading]

Plandemic, Part 2

Plandemic — Indoctornation” reveals the driving forces behind the vaccine agenda. It looks at the roles of the World Health Organization, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, Dr. Anthony Fauci, mainstream media, Silicon Valley tech giants, Big Pharma and many others, connecting the dots between them     EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2020/08/25/plandemic-indoctornation.aspx

A Global Uprising is Underway

Dr. Mercola, GuestWaking Times After six months of intermittent or in some cases near-continuous lockdowns, many have reached their limit and uprisings are finally emerging around the world. The last week of August 2020 saw gatherings of tens of thousands of individuals in Berlin,1 London2 and Dublin,3 protesting stay-at-home orders, business closures, mask and vaccine mandates …[continue reading]

Belarusian President claims IMF & World Bank offered him a bribe … to impose COVID restrictions

Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus: • imposed “extreme lockdown on his …[continue reading]

Puzzling 3700 year old Sumerian clay tablets deciphered, this is bizarre

Three clay tablets with cuneiform inscriptions, unearthed at Nippur, tell a strange tale of how the gods created humankind. Not only that, they also contain a very important piece of information on the early flood account which was later incorporated into the Epic of Gilgamesh. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): https://www.nexusnewsfeed.com/article/ancient-mysteries/puzzling-3700-year-old-sumerian-clay-tablets-deciphered-this-is-bizarre/