Two Scientists Stumble Upon the Formation of Microscopic Galaxies, Black Holes, and Stars – Revolutionary Implications

Mark L. LeClair and Eric Dollard are two scientists and technologists who independently stumbled upon a category of phenomena that could revolutionize everything we once thought we knew about the origins of the universe and life, which may lead to technologies we could use to create a sustainable future for humanity.  Below you will find …[continue reading]


Climate Hustle reveals the History of Climate Scares, examines the Science on both Sides of the Debate, digs into the Politics and Media Hype surrounding the Issue, shows how global Warming has become a new Religion for Alarmists, and explains the impacts the warming Agenda will have on People in America and around the World.************************************** …[continue reading]

Covid-19 is a Trojan Horse for ‘The Great Reset’: Sky News Report on Klaus Schwab and the Davos Set

“Velkom, mein freunds. Today ve zill komplete ze Great Verk vith ze Great Reset.” Sky News host Rowan Dean says the next World Economic Forum in Davos has morphed from a “jet-setter climate gabfest” into a sinister “anti-democratic enterprise designed to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future”. “It’s …[continue reading]


Benghazi whistleblowers, Nicholas Noe and Charles Woods, father of Ty Woods, a Navy SEAL who was killed while defending diplomatic staff at the US Benghazi compound are joined in a Zoom call by Alan Howell Parrot, a falcon trainer and CIA whistleblower. This call was recorded on October 11th and presented at the #Ampfest conference held in Miami …[continue reading]

Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal, World Agenda, Leadership Structure, Rituals w/ Jessie Czebotar

part 1   part 2   part 3   Jessie Czebotar, a courageous Chaplain who has done extensive work helping people who suffer from trauma to heal, joins the program. Jessie currently also works with organizations to hunt down human traffickers and free children from abusive hellish situations. She …[continue reading]

‘Lockdown is more harmful than COVID’ – Stanford Professor of Medicine

In Brief The Facts: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University recently gave an interview stating “there is more harm from the lockdown than there is from COVID.” He’s one of many experts who feel this way, and explains why. Reflect On: Should the government use force on their citizenry to comply, …[continue reading]


FROM THE AWAKENWITHJP YOUTUBE CHANNEL Life in California today explained. Humor. Apologies to Californians. It’s tragic what’s happening.   There’s an old Chinese saying: “Riches attract thieves and beauty attracts evil.” I’m afraid that’s the story of the politicians who took it over. From the AwakenWithJP YouTube channel MORE FROM THIS GENIUS Click here to support …[continue reading]

Fauci, NIH & US Gov Have Multi Decade Deep Financial Ties to China Virus Research w/ David Martin

Thought leader, David Martin, joins the program to explain his multi-decade research regarding the funding of SARS/Coronavirus family of viruses. He has famously exposed that the NIH/China partnership has resulted in business ventures worldwide aiming to monetize the coronavirus applications. You can learn more about David Martin and his work on his website at https://DavidMartin.World …[continue reading]