IT programmers (aka white hat hackers) hired to stress-test the Financial Reset CSRQ-SM software have exposed the exclusionary class system being implemented within it. They do not agree with it, and they have blown the whistle. New! Part 2 has been posted! Over the course of many months, they searched different individuals within the software …[continue reading]
Interview with Gideon Part 1 of 5 (additional parts will be posted soon and announced on the We Are Sovereign Telegram; click here for Part 2.) Below are questions and responses shared on Telegram between Bill Sweet and Gideon over the past year. Gideon answers questions about the Financial Reset and the social credit software that will be used known as CSRQ-SM (videos …[continue reading]
Jul 12, 2022 All important links are found on our portal: A former intelligence official who goes by the name of Gideon is representing a group IT professionals, aka white hat hackers, who have come forward to expose new banking and social tracking software being developed. The software is expected to come online after …[continue reading]
In this wide-ranging conversation with the incomparable Laura Lynn, the now famous John O’Looney provides the audience with some amazing pieces of “inside information” from England, and paints a picture of a United Kingdom on the brink of destruction and annihilation. Having been on a journey down the rabbit hole, he even admits that he …[continue reading]
The Bases Project BASES2022 summer seminars is highlighted in this short 60 min edit of all the speakers. Due to censorship these must be seen in full on other platforms EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The wheels are starting to come off the vaccine narrative. When the mainstream media and political left actually start talking about the vax’s adverse effects, you can be sure there’s more to the story. And now, of course, they’re using their same tired strategy of, “never let a …[continue reading]
Attorney Tom Renz rejoins the program to share details from his censored speech. He shares new bombshell information and continues to fight for all of us. The full speech from Clay Clark’s Awakening Tour is included in this episode. See more of Tom Renz’s work and learn how you can help at EMBED A …[continue reading]
Michael Coleman Talbot (September 29, 1953 – May 27, 1992) was an American author of several books highlighting parallels between ancient mysticism and quantum mechanics, and espousing a theoretical model of reality that suggests the physical universe is akin to a hologram based on the research and conclusions of David Bohm and Karl H. Pribram. …[continue reading]
Story at-a-glance John Leake, a true crime author, and Dr. Peter McCullough have written a new book, “The Courage to Face COVID-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex,” revealing the crimes perpetrated by the medical industrial complex against patients, doctors and the public at large What we’ve seen during these COVID years …[continue reading]
It began more than 4 decades ago with a need by one person to understand what lay beyond life. That dedication would lead to the revelation that is the beginning of the Greatest Story Never Told. A heartfelt search that would find answers to the greatest questions of all. A journey of consciousness, light …[continue reading]