Spread the love QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, does your computer suggest that Russia will launch nuclear weapons on Ukraine? Your computer seems to be the only straight no-nonsense in the middle of this insanity. Thank you SK ANSWER: The West is the aggressor and they are out to destroy Russia pretending that they …[continue reading]
MUST READ A Nano-second to Midnight – Paul Craig Roberts – paulcraigroberts.org Gilbert Doctorow, an Intelligent and Informed Russian Expert Explains that It Is Indeed a Nano-second to Midnight. This is an extremely important warning, which like my own is likely to be ignored at our peril. In no Western capital or print and TV media has …[continue reading]
The Biden Regime declared war on Russia, Germany, NATO and ultimately, on the United States when they blew up the Nord Stream pipelines. • And the CDC has added the COVID-19 injection to the Routine Immunization Schedule, in order to obtain total liability protection while killing the maximum number of Americans, starting at those who …[continue reading]
The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now Seymour Hersh 21 hr The U.S. Navy’s Diving and Salvage Center can be found in a location as obscure as its name—down what was once a country lane in rural Panama City, …[continue reading]
Here the links between the megaliths of the zodiac upon Eire are woven into the Daoist Inner Alchemical artwork of the Nei Jing Tu Inner Weaving. xo Anaya Science Witch MY WEBSITE | https://www.anayasciencewitch.com BOOKS | https://www.anayasciencewitch.com/books DONATIONS WELCOME! | https://www.anayasciencewitch.com/don… ANAYASCIENCEWITCH FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | TELEGRAM EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
The heart of the series, the thesis, the quest. Born after walkabout in Ireland; the realization that her shape macrocosmically mirrors the Ne Jing Tu; Daoist alchemy hidden in plain sight upon the Emerald Isle. A tiny island with secrets and a dark history including the theft of the Bible, the books country of origin. …[continue reading]
Dr. Merritt Interviews Missionary Mark Grenon: Learn the real truth about Chlorine Dioxide EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
TOPICS: What Is “New Science of Heaven”? The Sirius Mystery – is there an ancient historic link to aliens from Sirius and the ancient Mesopotamians? Interview with Robert Temple, PhD – Author of new book, “A New Science of Heaven” – The universe is 99.99% plasma – Plasma can generate magnetic and electric fields – …[continue reading]
In this speech, given in Warsaw, Poland on 18 June 2011, Dr. Rath reveals the hidden roles of IG Farben and its companies in WWI and WWII. He also talks about the relevance of this history to modern-day Europe and events taking place in the world today. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Remote viewing is a controlled and trainable mental process involving psi (or psychic ability). Remote-viewing procedures were originally developed in laboratories funded by the United States military and intelligence services and used for espionage purposes. The scientific understanding of the remote-viewing phenomenon has greatly advanced in recent years, and as a result the process of …[continue reading]