This will BLOW your mind! Deborah Tavares was talking about this back in 2013, sounding the alarm about a leaked Nasa document that outlines how they’re planning to eradicate Humanity. We’re witnessing this full-fledge plan now and we’re in the last phases!Many probably didn’t believe it back in 2013, when she blew the whistle. How …[continue reading]
Please watch and share with those who will listenMuch love to all In Lak’echMax Igan EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Find a UNIFYD Healing location near you at: Want to open up a center? Apply here: Share your testimonials here:… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
This interview between Dr Michael and Jason Shurka explains the EE System technology and the mission of Energy Enhancement Technology. Part 1 of 2 EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
After the 2020 Election was stolen and members of the Trump administration began abandoning the President, Patrick Byrne met with Trump and his lawyers in the Oval Office for nearly 5 hours on December 18th, which he documented in ‘The Deep Rig’ and which he has spoken about publicly many times since the meeting, talking about how he almost …[continue reading]
The United States’ experiment with democracy is now officially over. It’s time to declare the experiment dead and make other arrangements. This is the conclusion I come to after witnessing the utter depravity of Democrats who attempted to censor RFK Jr from speaking at a Congressional Committee hearing on…censorship. Aside from the punishing irony involved, what was …[continue reading]
But before Kennedy could even open his mouth at the hearing, the first thing all of the Democrat House members at the hearing did was to order a vote to shut down his testimony and to turn off the cameras and to take the hearing behind closed doors. They literally voted to censor RFK Jr …[continue reading]
Researchers say our liquid waste not only promotes plant growth as well as industrial mineral fertilizers, but also would save energy used on sewage treatment By Mara Grunbaum on July 23, 2010 The beets Surendra Pradhan and Helvi Heinonen-Tanski grew were perfectly lovely: round and hefty; with their skin …[continue reading]
Mark Sexton, a retired police constable, has been calling for official police investigations into multiple crimes against humanity for many, many months. Philip Hyland and Mark Sexton have filed a claim that is explained in the video and is detailed and made available below. The video below provides a wealth of important information. IN …[continue reading]
With The End of COVID, we’ve created a library of videos to educate the public on what’s happened over the last three years. Plus, the decades before it. Over the course of 90+ sessions, we go all the way back to the origins of germ theory, and touch on every so-called “pandemic” up to the …[continue reading]