From New Dawn Special Issue Vol 11 No 5 (Oct 2017) Natural substances that were once abundantly used for health and well-being are making a comeback today. All are easily and cheaply obtained from the local supermarket, chemist or hardware store. Castor Oil Castor oil is derived from the castor bean plant, aka Palma Christie. …[continue reading]
What I’m about to say is going to challenge some people; it’s going to make some feel stupid or manipulated, but for others it will make complete sense. I would predict the people who think they have the greatest understanding of things will probably reject what I have to say the most. They will reject …[continue reading]
Smallpox Vaccine * Medical HereticsCult of Vaccinology * COVID BioweaponRecover with Nature’s Medicine Chest – See more at: EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Charlene Bollinger is back with the REMEDY to the overt evil and satanic war that’s being waged on humanity. Thanks for tuning in. Watch REMEDY for FREE here: EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Andrew Bridgen on the Corruption in the Financial Services Sector EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Electrosmog: A Policy Brief Guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political, and community leaders. by Arthur Firstenberg, Cellular Phone Task ForceJuly 26, 2023 Guidance to governments, legislators, environmental organizations, schools, and religious, political and community leaders. If your organization wishes to join in supporting this brief, please email us. Key Points The study …[continue reading]
Note about comments. I closed comment threads for several weeks due to difficulty managing abusive and off-topic comments to maintain a thoughtful, constructive discussion space. Going forward, I plan to open comment threads two or three days after each post is published. Comment threads on posts published in recent weeks that were closed, are now …[continue reading]
Dr Joseph Mercola of and joins The Alex Jones Show to expose the COVID lockdowns as a trial run for a new engineered pandemic. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional): Dr Mercola Exposes the COVID Lockdown as Trial Run for the Next Engineered Pandemic Crisis
Have you had your eyes scanned by “The Orb” yet? All it takes is just one trip, and once your biometric data is in the database you will receive some free money and a new “digital identity” that you will be able to use all over the Internet. Doesn’t that sound grand? As you will …[continue reading]
Former Chief Justice of the Cherokee Nation, Dr. Three Rivers, and Howard Bertram join the program to review the UCC filing for, what appears to be, the entire United States financial system. The filing was conducted in 2011 with a map that appears to break the world into many regions. Dr. Three Rivers and Howard …[continue reading]