“Dust Fences,” clear evidence of DEWs, Cease and Desist Writ of Mandamus, and the latest developments of the heartbreaking Lahaina atrocity. REINETTE SENUM 30 AUG 2023 90 75 Share Matt Roeske from CultivateElevate.com, who has been prolific in putting out Instagram posts regarding information on Nikola Tesla technology, EMF dangers, electroculture, Tartaria, and more, has …[continue reading]
COMMENT: Marty, I just wanted to thank you for opening my eyes. The logic that the market commentators make is nonsense. Bloomberg wrote, “Bets on a rate hike in 2023 fell after worse-than-expected economic numbers bolstered hopes the Fed can pause in September.” So you are right. They are cheering worse economic numbers because interest rates …[continue reading]
In this week’s episode of the New Rules podcast, host Dimitri Simes Jr. speaks with Alexander Dugin, political philosopher, about the crisis of Western liberalism, Russia’s new ideology, and the emerging multipolar world order. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter This episode is all about the current ‘mega-crisis’ that will make the Covid-crisis pale in comparison: The Climate Emergency that will destroy our planet and humanity, unless we pay a lot of CO2-tax. How did the Cabal get us to belief their impertinent CO2 lies? By using fraudulent ‘scientists’ …[continue reading]
Paging any Independent Thought Leaders in Maui. Seems like a National Guard/WEFFIE Police Force is Assuming Control of the Island and of Information. Can you do some of that Thought Leader stuff? SAGE HANA 29 AUG 2023 38 37 2 Share Alrighty, one more for today. The Maui cops …[continue reading]
Omicron variant EG.5 is being peddled by Pfizer board member Dr. Scott Gottlieb across all mainstream media networks, with Scott assuring viewers that Pfizer is preparing a new “vaccine” for the fear-based variant. Researcher and journalist James Grundvig believes that 5G may play a central, but secret role in the pLandemic to come. Think 5G.E …[continue reading]
Our trip to the Vatican has indeed been delayed. It is, nonetheless, going forward — though, as it turns out, it is not strictly speaking, necessary. We are not the only people on the planet who have had issues with the administration of the Air Jurisdiction, so the original plan was that we would all …[continue reading]
The plot thickens. The mysterious Dr Jan Halper-Hayes has just done a full interview with David “Nino” Rodriguez and she explains that she’s part of a 12-member DoD task force that’s advising a PSYOP team, to help them determine their next moves. She says there is a portion of the military that is on Trump’s side and …[continue reading]
By John Pilger August 20/21, 2023 – Information Clearing House – In the 1970s, I met one of Hitler’s leading propagandists, Leni Riefenstahl, whose epic films glorified the Nazis. We happened to be staying at the same lodge in Kenya, where she was on a photography assignment, having escaped the fate of other friends of the Führer. …[continue reading]