Libra Is Dead: eBay, Stripe, Visa And MasterCard All Abandon Facebook’s Cryptocurrency

One week after we reported that Facebook’s Libra stablecoin project, Libra, was imploding, as online payment giant PayPal quite the Libra network, we can now set the time of death to today – that’s when first eBay, then Stripe and finally Mastercard all abandoned Mark Zuckerberg’s pet “cryptocurrency” (which was anything but) project. As the …[continue reading]

The Internationalists & Rothschild Hegemony

With the active participation of the Rockefellers, the Schiffs, the Warburgs and the Morgans, the Rothschild family monopolised international banking during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, along with political, social and cultural influence. Though most of their wealth is hidden inside private family trusts or behind institutions with charitable status, the Rockefellers are widely …[continue reading]

The Silver Stealers

Ted Butler, the most widely followed silver commentator, has often said to buy and hold physical, because that puts you beyond COMEX rule changes. That’s correct! However, there remains an immeasurably more insidious, far reaching entity that can change rules  ………. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

Swiss Computer Model: “The One Bank” Superentity Controls 40% of the Global Economy — And the Rothschilds Control It

A few years ago, readers were introduced to a paradigm of crime, corruption, and control which they now know as “the One Bank”. First they were presented with a definition and description of this crime syndicate. That definition came via a massive computer model constructed by a trio of Swiss academics, and cited with favor …[continue reading]

Banking Cover-up: The Federal Reserve Is Neither Federal, Nor A Reserve

“The Federal Reserve is neither truly federal, nor a full reserve. It is not owned or directly controlled by the United States government. The fact that the words ‘United States Federal Reserve System’ are printed on every U.S. bank note thus raises serious questions.” How much do you know about the banking system and who …[continue reading]

Forget Greta: The Central Bankers Are the Real Eco-Fascists

By Harley Schlanger This article was co-authored with Paul Gallagher While most eyes watching events unfold at the UN Climate Action Summit were focused on the abused and rage-filled teen, Greta Thunberg, the truth about who is writing her script came out later that day, on September 23, when Bank of England Governor Mark Carney …[continue reading]

Financial Collapse 2019: Insiders Dire Warning About An Unstoppable Economic Collapse

He’s a former U.S. Congressman, a distinguished attorney, best-selling author and his work has been featured in The New York Times, National Review and The Wall Street Journal. He’s met and worked closely with Ron Paul, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald Ford and George H.W. Bush, to name a few. And he’s …[continue reading]

IT’S HERE: D-Wave announces 2048-qubit quantum computing system, theoretically capable of breaking all classical encryption, including military-grade

(Natural News) Over the last several days, we’ve highlighted the stunning breakthrough in “quantum supremacy” announced by Google and NASA. Across other articles, we’ve revealed how quantum computing translates highly complex algorithmic computational problems into simple, linear (or geometric) problems in terms of computational complexity. In practical terms, quantum computers are code breakers, and they …[continue reading]