Why do you think they’ve been pushing cellphones on everyone so aggressively? EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
This documentary short by James Corbett about the implications of 5G technology is the best that I’ve seen on the topic. Many of us are rightfully concerned about the dangers to human health posed by the 5G networks’ numerous, “small cell” millimeter wave transmitters placed every 500 feet in all directions around us. Like the previous generations of wireless communications, 5G has not …[continue reading]
In Brief The Facts: A cell tower climber recently shared a video about his concerns with 5G wireless technology and explains what he’s found through his research and experience. He uploaded the video to his youtube and Facebook page and it’s going fairly viral. Reflect On: How are these technologies able to roll out after …[continue reading]
The global rollout of 5G is well underway, and we soon may see new small cell towers near all schools, on every residential street, dispersed throughout the natural environment, and pretty much everywhere. But the safety of this technology is in serious question, and there is a raging battle to stop the taxpayer funded implementation of …[continue reading]
Resistance to 5G is rapidly increasing, especially in Europe where many are unwilling to roll over for a 5G rollout. Fifth generation wireless threatens to massively increase electromagnetic radiation, affecting people and the planet. On March 31, Brussels (Belgium) became the first major city to stop a 5G pilot project because of health concerns. Refusing …[continue reading]
RECENT UPDATES & PROGRESS Philadelphia Inquirer | 18 June 2019 | PA, USA5G Halted in Pennsylvania – at least for now – by Bob Fernandez YouTube | 13 June 20195G Installer speaks out about 5G harm – 7 min video Watershed Sentinel | 13 June 20195G Resistance: Concern grows over European rollout – by Joyce Nelson Americans For Responsible …[continue reading]
The question isn’t “Is 5G dangerous?” The real question is “Just how dangerous is it, and what can we do about it?” In this guest post Lois Cadwallader shares how 5G will impact our bodies, our brains, and our planet. Not to mention the privacy issues. Learn how to protect yourself, mind, body, soul and …[continue reading]
A landmark U.S. government study has concluded that there is “clear evidence” that cell phones cause cancer. According to the scientific peer reviewed study, radiation emitted from cell phones dramatically increases the risk of a person getting brain cancer. Theguardian.com reports: NTP scientists had exposed thousands of rats and mice (whose biological similarities to humans make …[continue reading]
The international rollout of fifth generation wireless technology (5G) is well underway despite increasingly vocal opposition from scientists and medical professionals, who are desperately trying to warn us of the well-documented dangers of 5G. The government and industries involved in the 5G rollout are have zero concern for public safety, because the technology promises to be …[continue reading]
The 60 Starlink satellites parading across the sky make an incredible sight, but some skywatchers wonder at what cost to the night. It’s a safe bet to say no one had ever seen anything like it — 60 satellites chugging across the sky in a straight line like some outer space choo-choo. We’re grateful that …[continue reading]