Breaking History Ep. 58: A Deep Dive into Drugs, Vietnam War and the Vatican f. Guest Cynthia Chung

In this episode of Breaking History, Cynthia Chung joined us to showcase the interconnectedness behind the world drug trade going back to the 19th century Opium Wars, and creation of HSBC to the simultaneous rise of the modern mafia brotherhood, the Templar/Hospitaller roots of the Vatican Bank, and international intelligence agencies managing Operation Gladio.

This extremely jam-packed presentation additionally introduces how Taiwan, the CIA-controlled Kuomintang, the Golden Triangle of East Asia (also managed by CIA-controlled KMT) were integral to the creation of the Vietnam War which had nothing to do with “the fight against communism” as so many duped westerners were told, and everything to do with drugs and political influence for a managerial high priesthood above nation states.