In order to understand the bewildering events that we’re living to day, we need to understand how money is created and more importantly, who creates it, for they are the true rulers of the world, aka the Globalists. Black Pigeon Speaks has created a new YouTube channel called Felix Rex, to hedge against any future …[continue reading]
EVER BEEN TO DAMASCUS IN SYRIA? HERE’S WHAT YOU’RE NOT SEEING Ever been to Damascus in Syria? Probably not. Ever seen US reporters with a camera in a Damascus neighborhood? Probably not. What have they been been hiding from you? A lot. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Canadian YouTuber, Black Pigeon Speaks (BPS) is back to talk about the the dumpster fire of a Globalist experiment that is Canada, as the country prepares for a general election. The election will likely be a referendum on the relentless social engineering that has been bulldozed upon the populace, in a bid to make Canada …[continue reading]
HOW THEY ALL WORK TOGETHER AGAINST PALESTINE – AND YOU Excerpt from the new movie WitchHunt What do Israel, right wing nuts, and racists have in common? A film that shows how they all work together against Palestine – and you. Behind it all: arm sales and a beachhead in the oil-rich Middle East. …[continue reading]
BARDS OF WAR: FAITH, THE SWORD OF TRUTH, THE TIME HAS COME The US has been subverted by a vile and corrupt leadership that wants us to willingly give up our sovereignty and to overthrow the Constitution. Filmmaker and war correspondent Scott Kesterson has begun making some jarring and important podcasts in the absence …[continue reading]
SPONGES FOR TOXINS THERE’S A REASON CHICKEN IS SO CHEAP IN THE STORES The truth about chicken. Americans have been encouraged to eat chicken as a “healthy” alternative to red meat. Here’s what they’re eating: A sponge for toxins and pharmaceuticals. There’s a reason chicken is so cheap in the stores – and it’s …[continue reading]
Huawei is a massive Chinese telecommunications company currently dominating the development of 5G wireless infrastructure. To the same degree to which the Internet is surveilled by the NSA, the 5G network will be surveilled by the Chinese Communist Party and will be a vector for cyberattacks. The existing software is laden with backdoor access, zero …[continue reading]
Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt welcomes back Elana Freeland, author of Chemtrails HAARP and The Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, is the definitive book on these suppressed subjects. Her latest book, Under An Ionized Sky: Chemtrails and Space Fence Lockdown, is the first major in-depth examination of the covert program that has been under development since the …[continue reading]
FACEBOOKTWITTERREDDITPINTERESTEMAILGOOGLE+LINKEDINSTUMBLEUPON Join Our Members List For Exclusive Reports “What we are witnessing, in the wake of public enactment of these alchemical psychodramas, whose spiritual consequences for mankind are far more momentous than most have thus far guessed, is a process of global occult initiation.” – Michael A. Hoffman The quote seen at the …[continue reading]
Before he became famous for claiming that the elite were a bunch of shapeshifting reptilians, David Icke had made a name for himself by talking about our “microchipped future”, where we would all be forced to submit to implantation with a subdermal RFID transponder to track our whereabouts 24/7 and which would replace credit cards …[continue reading]