HERE’S WHAT THEY STARTED ATTACKING EXACTLY ONE YEAR AGO A safe, effective dirt-cheap home remedy appears to have promise an effective treatment for people who have bad cases of CoVid-19. Coincidentally, or may not so coincidentally, last year at this time the news media went on bizarre, all-fronts attack on the clinicians, researchers and families …[continue reading]
When it comes to big life problems, we often stand at a crossroads: either believe we’re powerless against great change, or we rise to meet the challenge. In an urgent call to action, political strategist Tom Rivett-Carnac makes the case for adopting a mindset of “stubborn optimism” to confront climate change — or whatever crisis …[continue reading]
Dana Ashlie has put together an excellent compilation of people protesting the lockdown in every continent of the world, which is not being shown in the Mainstream Media. She says that Anthony Fauci has quietly admitted in a scientific paper that the COVID-19 death rates originally projected, that were to supposedly justify the global economic …[continue reading]
THE PRECURSOR TO THE COVID-19 SCAM LONG AUDIO – ABRIDGED VERSION BELOW Until the last few months, very few people had heard of Anthony Fauci. It might be time for us to ask what Fauci was doing BEFORE he became the equivalent of the unelected Dictator of the World Economy. How many people have contemplated …[continue reading]
THE CLINTONS AND OBAMAS WERE JUST WATERCARRIERS FAUCI IS THE LINK BETWEEN THE AIDS AND COVID-19 HOAXES Fauci is a creation of the Bush Family & Co – and the AIDS Hoax was their baby. The Clintons and Obamas were just water carriers. Why does this matter? Because they appear to be using the …[continue reading]
TRACED BACK TO PHARMA INFLUENCE ON WHO Ten years ago at the encouragement of Pharma, the WHO generated hysteria about “Swine Flu.” The CDC (and Fauci) picked up on it and fanned the flames. There was a clamor for vaccines. And it all turned out to be BS. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Dr Shiva Ayyadurai Podcast/Interview Request: High-dose Vitamin C works, since 1940s (Dr. Fred Klenner, Dr. Robert Cathcart, Dr. Thomas Levy, etc) Click Subscribe, then see: Facebook:… Instagram: Twitter: Website:… YouTube: Earlier interview is at: REQUEST: Share/Tweet this video including to @realdonaldtrump with #FireFauci hashtag. EMBED A VIDEO …[continue reading]
FIRED FOR USING HIS INTELLIGENCE Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell, trained in emergency medicine and critical care, was removed from his job as a supervising physician in an ICU in a Brooklyn hospital. What his crime? He opened his eyes and saw that the CDC protocol – ventilators – not only doesn’t work, it may actually be …[continue reading]
The next Bonus distribution (C), will issue out on Friday 24th April 2020, and the spreads are as follows: Bonus Type 1 – Wallets with 9 ILNor more, will receive 7.5 ILN; Bonus Type 2– Wallets with 50 ILN or more, will receive 65 ILN; Wallets with 50 ILNor more also qualify for Bonus Type 1, giving a total bonus of 72.5 ILN, …[continue reading]
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