IT’S DIRTIER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE Yes, official…election…fraud. There is such a thing and in some big cities (and small places too), it’s as American as Apple Pie. In this audio, we get into the details… OTHER GREAT MOMENTS IN US ELECTION FRAUD (REPUBLICANS DO IT TOO.) How Hilary stole the 2016 primary Karl …[continue reading]
FACEBOOKTWITTERREDDITPINTERESTEMAILGOOGLE+LINKEDINSTUMBLEUPON Project Hammer is back in the news in a big way because we just learned that not only is it real, it runs an application called Scorecard that could flip the election today. USAF Lt Gen Thomas McInerney (Ret) joins Steve Bannon and soon-to-be FBI Director, Sidney Powell in the War Room to …[continue reading]
Graham mentions this website please go here He also mentions concerns around the influenza vaccination and masks. I give full permission for this to be shared but please credit BREES MEDIA. This is the Brees Media – Global Opinions channel. To support our work please go here You can send your videos to …[continue reading]
HEART ATTACK? SUICIDE? NO ANSWERS The unexplained death of Andrew Moulden Ph.D. MD Moulden, an MD and PhD, with an unusually deep background in neurology, announced a direct and undeniable link between vaccines and neurological injury causing the symptoms known as autism and dozens of other dysfunctions like ADHD and Epstein-Barr. Then, at 49, he …[continue reading]
This is the Covid-19: EXPOSED Official Movie. This is a 30-minute film in which the world-renowned pediatrician, Dr. Lawrence B. Palevsky, reveals the scientifically-backed TRUTH regarding the coronavirus. This video is also available to watch and download on my website: EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
WIKIPEDIA DOESN’T EVEN TRY TO BE ACCURATE Wikileaks vs. Wikipedia… One lies and brags about it. Another tells the truth. Guess which is which. OK, Wikipedia on its own site says that nothing they say should be relied on. In contrast WikiLEAKS has never – not once – been found to issue a false …[continue reading]
Irish Vaccination Awareness 353 subscribers SUBSCRIBE When Dr. Morrissey realised that silence was no longer an option, he made the difficult decision to stand up for what he believes is right: to protect his patients and set a brave example for his children. This meant losing almost everything he had worked for in …[continue reading]
Mirror – Original Video here:… Subscribe to Tom Barnett’s Channel Here:… Subscribe to LiabilityMate Channel Here:… 12 Experts address the false panic… 10 more Dr’s addess the false panic http://www.informationclearinghouse.i… [Christopher’s Website] The beauty of TRUTH shown powerfully…simply….. share this far and wide. Please copy and share this right …[continue reading]
After being the victim of censorship by Facebook and YouTube after his interview in which Dr. Yan exposed the truth about the origin of the coronavirus, Tucker Carlson showed how social media platforms have been infiltrated by the Chinese Communist Party, and how much this has affected freedom of expression in the United States. EMBED …[continue reading]
OCTOBER 24, 2020 Last Saturday, there were mass rallies in Argentina; Bolivia; Peru; Uruguay; Italy; Germany; Poland; Belgium; Netherlands; United Kingdom; Ireland; Sweden; Denmark; France; and Austria. The topic? The disease we cannot name in email, but can on a private website: CoVid. One mystery though: I have been trying to get in touch …[continue reading]