Homes Purchased by BlackRock Being Set Up to House Illegal Migrants

by Wall Street Apes An Insane “Conspiracy Theory” The homes that BlackRock has been purchasing (a HUGE amount in New York) being setup to house illegal migrants    Each home will average bringing in $15,000 per month to house illegals – New York just declared that they’re gonna pay homeowners there a $125 a day …[continue reading]

The AFD — Good News for Living People By Anna Von Reitz

From around the world the word has spread and is ping-ponging back and forth, simply because the message is so incredible, so anti-intuitive.  Yes, for every one (1) objectively worthless FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE you put in the Global Family Bank Safety Vault, you will receive one (1) American Federation Dollar (AFD).   Each American Federation Dollar …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: As Simple As We Can Make It By Anna Von Reitz

In the aftermath of the so-called American Civil War, which was actually a Mercenary Conflict and not classed as an actual war, the Generals of the U.S. Army took over under False Pretenses.   They presumed to be our Custodians and Caretakers and Occupied the entire country using the idea that our legitimate civilian government had “disappeared” …[continue reading]

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich: April 5, 2024 – RE His Court Case, Incarceration & Recently-Revealed Dossier Detailing Secret Actions of His Accusers

Dear friends, This is an, in more than one way, hopeful message. It consists of three parts. There’s another statement which I gave in court a few days ago, and of which we have an English translation that’s available for those of you who are interested. Together, with the already now infamous secret dossier written …[continue reading]

Dr. Mark Bailey: Virology’s Event Horizon

by Dr. Mark BaileyApril 5, 2024   Along with our allies we have spent the last four years dismantling every aspect of the virus model whether it concerns “isolation”, antibodies, genomics, PCR, proteomics, electron microscopy, or animal and human studies. In 2022, I published A Farewell to Virology, to date one of the only treatises that …[continue reading]

Norway Interview: Debt, Digital Currencies, and Political Tensions

Click here or on the image above to listen to my Norway interview with 2 Vikings Podcast.   In what ways does Armstrong suggest the Eurozone’s financial practices are unsustainable, and what does he foresee as the potential fallout from such practices? Considering Armstrong’s skepticism towards digital currencies and government debt, what alternatives does he …[continue reading]

International Public Notice: The American Federation Dollar By Anna Von Reitz

As we have “returned from over the sea” where our treasonous employees deposited us by  registering us as Federal Dual Citizens, thus impersonating average Americans, and then, arbitrarily declaring us to be “enemies” in an illegal mercenary conflict — all under color of law, and for the profit and advantage of Third Party Principals — …[continue reading]

What Does the Reiner Fuellmich Case Tell us About Scientology and Plandemonium? Cults, Mind Control, and Plandemonium, Part 7

Other Plandemonium Tales can be found here at the Find more discussion at the RTE Locals community.   Biotech Express Magazine article This is one of those plandemonium stories that would seem funny if all of this were not so serious. I don’t recall exactly when I first heard about the Coronavirus Investigation Committee …[continue reading]