While none of the G7 nations recognize Palestine, more than 140 of the 193 members of the United Nations do. By Shawn Pogatchnik The Irish official said Ireland planned to coordinate its announcement in tandem with similar moves in two other European capitals. | Charles McQuillan/Getty Images Please Help – Our Situation is Critical. …[continue reading]
The part that surprised me was the quickie face transplant at the end. From the website: BrainBridge, the first head transplant system, uses robotics and AI for head and face transplants, offering hope to those with severe conditions like stage-4 cancer and neurodegenerative diseases… ABOUT THE TECH BrainBridge is the world’s first revolutionary concept …[continue reading]
Download PDF Story at-a-glance Marmite, the U.K. version of Vegemite, is a salty spread made since the 1800s from yeast extract and now shown by researchers to have numerous compounds to enhance your health A single serving of Marmite provides 36% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) recommended for niacin, 50% of the RDI in …[continue reading]
You’re in a program -The Invisible Trojan Horse EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Professor of Intelligence and expert on 5th Generation warfare, Dr. Armin Kirshnan, joins the program to discuss who is behind the chaos and technocratic war we are living through. We discuss the end goals and how the deep state plays a part in the plan. We discuss how serious this situation is for all people …[continue reading]
The problem isn’t that people are becoming too radicalized against their government, the problem is that people aren’t radicalized enough. Caitlin Johnstone Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): Our society does not have an antisemitism crisis. It doesn’t have a crisis of far left radicalism, Islamist extremism, support for …[continue reading]
Today we talk about my road trip to las vegas, the hoover dam, odd things in the dam, water myths, wi-fi, and the power of crystals EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Calling It As We See It – The State of the World Today The Governments of the World today have been infiltrated over the generations to the point that today they have been completely taken over by Satanic secret society actors. Many call these people liberals, “woke” or communist agitators and liars. This is not incorrect, …[continue reading]
by Baxter Dmitry The plan to defeat Trump using lawfare is failing spectacularly, with the former president riding high in the polls while Biden flounders. Desperate to avoid a repeat of Trump’s first four year term, the global elite are now initiating Plan B, also known as the plot to remove President Donald Trump from the …[continue reading]
A viewer wasn’t satisfied with an explanation from a recent video and asks some interesting questions. Can you help him out? Dave Silver’s video: • I promise to pay the bearer on demand… EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):