Prior organic farming practices and plantings can have lasting outcomes for future soil health, weeds and crop yields, according to new Cornell University research. The study recently published in the journal Agriculture Systems also breaks down how specific components of soil health – such as the abundance and activity of soil animals and soil stability …[continue reading]
President Donald Trump was just impeached; no it wasn’t because of the supposed Russia collusion, which is all we heard about over the last two years from the sold-out media, which by the way was proven to be false. It was because of misconduct or a ‘quid pro quo,’ as the media put it, which …[continue reading]
Stabbed In The Back By The Spy Who Said He Loved Me A shocking account of an 8 year secret services operation to kill, frame, defame and discredit M O’B. Please be advised that the video contains occasional swearing and is therefore not suitable for children under the age of 12. Transcript: Stabbed In The …[continue reading]
Special guest Laura Walker of the Oracle Report details the upcoming astrological energetic forecast for 2020! Economics…geo-political, President Trump and the upcoming election of 2020! EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Ginger improves symptoms of ulcerative colitis, enhances quality of life Bowel and digestive problems like ulcerative colitis can be among the most discomforting and disruptive affronts to a person’s lifestyle and overall well-being. What if adding a healthy dose of ginger to your diet could prevent indigestion, inflamed insides and even protect you from colon …[continue reading]
MAKE THIS VIRAL! AGE OF AQUARIUS JANUARY11TH/12TH 2020 It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we …[continue reading]
The future of medicine rests on the fundamental right we all have to use things that spring from the Earth naturally as healing agents. Why should cannabis, used for at least 10000 years by humankind to alleviate suffering, be excluded from this inexorable mandate? The politics of cannabis are exceedingly complex, and yet the truth …[continue reading]
Josh Sigurdson talks with G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature From Jekyll Island about the imminent issue of China’s global takeover. For many decades, alliances and policies have lead to China’s vast growth. Today, they utilize technocracy in order to maintain their subjects digitally. With a collapsing US empire and dollar, the likelihood of China …[continue reading]
There are 183 countries listed below. View year 2017 listing. GDP: Gross Domestic Product (in USD millions) Mil. Exp.: Military Expenditures (in USD millions) PPP: Power Purchase Parity (in USD) $: U.S. Dollar (USD) EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):
Whitley Strieber takes a new look at the history and future of alien contact. He reports on some of the most ultra-high strangeness cases in his archives and describes many of the miraculous events, both light and dark, that surround this astonishing and misunderstood phenomenon. Instances of healing, moments of extreme fear and great joy …[continue reading]