The Occupation of the American Mind (original 84-minute version)

Despite receiving an overwhelmingly positive response from those who have actually seen it, The Occupation of the American Mind has been repeatedly attacked and misrepresented by right-wing pressure groups and outright ignored by virtually all mainstream media outlets and North American film festivals. To bypass this campaign of misrepresentation and suppression, we’ve decided to make …[continue reading]

Like the Sun, but 10 times hotter: Pivotal step in creation of plasma-powered reactor

An alliance of 35 countries has finished laying the groundwork for one of humanity’s most ambitious experiments – to harness nearly unlimited amounts of energy by creating ‘small stars’ on Earth. The extreme heat and gravity inside the core of the Sun and other stars make hydrogen atoms collide and fuse into heavier helium atoms, …[continue reading]

New York Area Fire Commissioners Make History, Call for New 9/11 Investigation

New York Area Fire Commissioners Make History, Call for New 9/11 Investigation Ted Walter July 27, 2019 They started off by saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Ten minutes later, they were reading the text of a resolution claiming the existence of “overwhelming evidence” that “pre-planted explosives . . . caused the destruction of the three …[continue reading]

A White House Insider’s Journey Down The Rabbit Hole and Back to Magnificence

A White House Insider’s JourneyDown The Rabbit Hole and Back to Magnificence Written and gratefully experienced by Fred Burks Fred Burks served for 18 years as a language interpreter with the U.S. Department of State, eventually interpreting for Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and numerous other world leaders. Late in his career, he stumbled down …[continue reading]

Blessed Unrest: Paul Hawken

Creating Heaven on Earth The global awakening is spreading rapidly. Hundreds of thousands of organizations and many millions of people around the world are now joining in a profound movement to usher in an exciting new paradigm. And as others are attracted to the clear way we radiate love, joy, and authenticity and to how …[continue reading]


The greatest transformation in human history is currently unfolding. An elegant metaphor to represent this is the metamorphosis of a butterfly. When a caterpillar reaches a certain point in it’s own evolution, it savagely consumes everything in sight, eating hundreds of times it’s own weight. This catalyses the emergence of new cells in the caterpillar’s …[continue reading]

In a representative democracy such as Ireland, the State rules by consent and, by extension, taxes by consent

“To Serve the Community by Fairly and Efficiently Collecting Taxes and Duties and Implementing Customs Controls.” The title I chose for this paper is the Mission Statement of Revenue ….or more formally the Office of the Revenue Commissioners….which is the Irish Tax and Customs Administration. We collect and administer about 94% of the revenues of …[continue reading]