Gaza Fights for Freedom: Abby Martin’s new film is difficult to watch and worth the effort

      Mourners carry the body of a Palestinian, 14-month-old, Seba Abu Arar, during her funeral in Gaza City, May. 5, 2019. Gaza’s Health Ministry said a Palestinian infant was killed when Israeli aircraft hit near their house. Abu Arar, 14-month-old, died imme Gaza Fights for Freedom: Abby Martin’s new film is difficult to …[continue reading]


VATICAN FRAUD: THE POWER OF ROME JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION: (HIDDEN-FOREIGN-TEXT-KNOWN-AS-DOG-LATIN) The Mother of all Deceptions: The Concept of Modern Day Slavery:   By: Romley Stewart.   The Concept of Modern Day Slavery: This Article is not legal advice in any way, it is a story in relation to research and findings that have been uncovered in relation …[continue reading]

Amazonian Fake News

Just before the opening of the Biarritz G7, an intense disinformation campaign was launched in the international press with the complicity of French President, Emmanuel Macron and the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. It aims to allow Europeans to control the Amazon, its minerals, its pharmaceutical treasures and its precious woods. Its purpose …[continue reading]

We Are Being Warned That The Last Week Of August “Could Be Highly Volatile” For Global Financial Markets

By Michael Snyder Are things about to break loose in a major way?  At the end of last week, the trade war between the United States and China escalated dramatically, and investors all over the globe really started freaking out.  Unfortunately, developments over the weekend have only made things worse, and that means that this …[continue reading]

New Film on Huawei—’Claws of the Red Dragon’, Hong Kong Protest and US-China Trade War

Steve Bannon joins Jan Jekielek of American Thought Leaders to discuss the neck-snapping rise of China achieved through access to Western capital and technology, which the Chinese Communist Party, in turn has used to stifle dissent and advance their self-serving global ambitions. And we look at the threat of Chinese telecom giant Huawei and its …[continue reading]

Ayahuasca, Parallel Reality & The War on Consciousness – Graham Hancock

 This is the Video Banned by the ‘Ted Org’, Originally Presented at the TED Group in NYC. Graham Discusses Mind Expansion & Parallel Realities With Ayahuasca. Academically Researched & Articulately Presented, Hancock Offers Compelling Evidence of Valid Alternate Realities Experienced in Ayahuasca. Compelling & Controversial, it is a Must See Video Suggesting the Human Brain …[continue reading]

American Legion National Convention bans USS Liberty vets forever

USS Liberty after the attack An American Legion membership card fluttering down and landing softly on the blouse of an American Legion clerk results in the USS Liberty Veterans Association being BANNED from The American Legion National Convention FOREVER. “You will not discuss the attack with anyone. Once the Court of Inquiry findings are released …[continue reading]