Tom Montalk – Coronavirus: The 3D, Hyperdimensional, and Spiritual Perspective | TCM#30 (Part 1)

Tom Montalk returns to the Cosmic Matrix Podcast to talk with Bernhard Guenther about the current Coronavirus crisis and the possible agendas from a 3D and hyperdimensional perspective. Tom shares the premonitions that came to him via his dreams leading up to the early warnings he gave publicly about the collective impact the crisis would …[continue reading]

How to Begin an ‘Emergency’ Vegetable Garden on a Budget: Cost, Supplies, Plants and All the Steps!

How do I start a garden and what should I grow. I wanted to present the answers on a budget and in manageable steps. First step… lets starts some cool weather crops and get some transplants growing in seed cells. This will give you time to see if you enjoy it and time to build …[continue reading]

Alan Watts ~ There Are No Mistakes In This Universe

Alan Watts discusses the fundamental attitudes that run through all religions or ‘ways of liberation’, as the Far Eastern disciplines might better be described. By following these practices to the extremes of repentance, rebellion, and resignation, one may be freed from the endless cycles of reincarnation which perpetuate the human condition. EMBED A VIDEO (Optional):

Never let a crisis go to waste-USA becomes a police stat

  As the coronavirus epidemic monopolizes the attention of the American people, government is taking the opportunity to sneak through all manner of restrictive legislation, including a law that could end the internet as we know it. Killing the internet… to save the children? The ominously-named EARN IT Act (short for “Eliminating Abusive and Rampant Neglect …[continue reading]

Breakthrough Solar System Uses Recycled Aluminum to Store Energy—Without Batteries

A new renewable energy startup company has come up with a low-cost, zero-emissions solution to the thorny issue surrounding what happens when the sun isn’t shining and the wind isn’t blowing. Paradoxically, the more the world embraces clean energy like solar and wind, the more it must embrace something markedly less-clean—diesel fuel or batteries. In …[continue reading]